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Dalam Kemalasan
Ye, saya memang pemalas. Kalau nak baca blog orang pun tak sempat, apatah lagi nak update blog sendiri. Kalau ada cerita pun, cerita pasal Nufayl je lah. My life story is already too complicated and too hectic that I don't even know where to begin. Ceh, drama giler la aku nih...kehkeh.. Okey lah, this is Nufay at 14 months: 1. His 3rd word after Babah and Mama is 'Jatuh'. Most probably due to my excessive and constant warnings such as 'Nufayl, jatuh nanti' or 'No Nufayl, nanti jatuh' or 'Jatuh karang, Nufayl...' dan ayat-ayat yang seumpama dengannya. So, yeah..no surprise there. 2. I am teaching him body parts. Currently I am introducing him to Nose, Eye and Mouth. Slow-slow, kata orang jawa. So far, when I say to him 'where's your nose Nufayl?' Dia sudah cucuk hidung mama. 'Where's your eye Nufayl?' Dia mula korek mama punya mata. But when it comes to Mouth, dia tersengih-sengih... blurr lagi la tu. :p 3. He is very attached to his maktok's (my mother) handphone sebab handphone maktok ada surah al-Fatihah bacaan Sulaiman Yala. Sebab maktok pun selalu jaga Nufayl waktu mama outstation, maktok ada personal goal which is to help Nufayl in remembering the whole al-Fatihah by the age of 2. 4. Nufayl can briefly perform a solah. Every time he hears 'Allahu Akbar' he will start with putting his 2 arms below his belly. He will then whisper something that I couldn't figure out since it is distinctively different from his usual babbling which is normally loud and clear. Then he will ruku' but didn't really put his hands on his knees. So it looks like he is trying to sit on an imaginary chair. His sujud also didn't involve knees, therefore it looks like he is exercising with his head, hands and feet on the floor and his butt up high. He will finish the prayer with wiping his face with both of his hands. I was pretty surprise when I learned about this because the first time he showed it to us was when we was watching television and there was adzhan on the telly. He must have self-learned this when we were praying near him and we thought he was just strolling around us, trying to find stuff for him to play. Previously, he has never shown any interest in imitating us when we were praying. I should take some pictures of him, baru best tunjuk kat dia bila dia besar nanti..heheh. 5. Still isap jari almost all the time. Still inseparable from his ulat aka wormy which he loves to bite (mostly the nose). Hmmmm.. apa yang mama nak buat nih. Gigi dah 6 batang, pakai braces je la Nufayl besar nanti ye :p. 6. Daily routine kat nursery as told by Ain, Nufayl's favourite kakak nursery: Nufayl tidur dari pagi babah hantar nursery sampai pukul 9.30 am. Bangun minum susu. Pastu start main tak hingat. Pukul 12, jalan masuk dapur cari makanan. 7. Walaupun Nufayl nampak bam-bam, berat dia hanya 9.4 kg only. 8. Loves air masak. 9. Doesn't like anything cold like ice cream of anything yang lembik lemah gemalai like puding. 10. Nufayl can talk for hours on the phone. Tak tau la cakap dengan sapa. Dengan macam bisnes penting je..heheheh. Tapi sebelum dia cakap, dia mesti akan dial dulu. 11. Baru beli kasut baru sebab sepasang kasut tu dah koyak, sepasang lagi dah tak muat. 12. Kalau nak tidur, Nufal lebih gemar tidur ikut position dia dalam perut during my 3rd trimester, which is kepala kat bawah, kaki atas bantal. Kalau letak dia tidur atas bantal elok-elok pun, kengkadang bila bangun dah terbalik dah position dia. Apa Nufayl rindu ke nak masuk dalam perut mama balik? :p Nufayl, Mama love you. Semoga jadi anak yang soleh ye sayang. :) ![]() ![]() ![]() posted by Hana' at 7/17/2009 12:39:00 AM |
SMIH Muncul Juara Debat Antara Sekolah
MasyaAllah, all I need to say right now is "I'm so proud of my school, Sekolah Menengah Islam Hidayah" :). It's the time for the underdog to shine... Source: http://www.hidayah.edu.my/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=121&Itemid=1 Rabu, 29 April 09, 11.45 mlm. Pasukan pendebat-pendebat cemerlang SMIH berserta rombongan, yang diketuai oleh Pengetua, telah disambut penuh meriah setibanya di Sekolah Islam Hidayah. Rombongan yang sampai di sekolah sekitar jam 11.30 malam, disambut dengan paluan kompang dan jambak-jambak bunga berwarna warni di pintu masuk sekolah.. Antara warga Hidayah yang turut serta termasuklah pimpinan Board of Trustee (BOT), Lembaga Pengelola (LPH), PIBG SRIH dan SMIH, guru-guru, ibu bapa, pelajar-pelajar dan sanak saudara. Ramai dikalangan warga Hidayah telah menunggu kepulangan mereka seawal 10 malam. Setibanya mereka kira-kira 11.30 malam, mereka disambut dengan laungan takbir, paluan kompang dan nasyid dari kumpulan nasyid SMIH, Najahan. Suasa kegembiraan begitu terasa sekali. Masing-masing pendebat, Pengetua, guru pengiring, jurulatih debat dan semua ahli rombongan tidak putus-putus mendapat ucapan tahniah dari semua hadirin yang mampu mengucapkannya di majlis tersebut. Jambangan bunga juga silih berganti tangan tanda kegembiraan dan tahniah. Pada 29 April 2009, Pendebat SMIH telah dinobatkan sebagai johan dalam debat Bahasa Melayu dan Naib Johan dalam debat Bahasa Inggeris dalam pertandingan debat antara sekolah-sekolah seluruh Malaysia di UIA Gombak. Kejayaan seumpama ini merupakan pertama kali dalam sejarah 8 tahun penganjuran debat UIA. Pada tahun 2005 sekolah ternama Malay College of Kuala Kangsar (MCKK) pernah mencapai kejayaan di mana kedua-dua kumpulan pendebat BM dan BI mereka sampai ke peringkat akhir, namun kedua-duanya berakhir dengan hanya mendapat naib johan. Debat UIA adalah antara acara debat tahunan yang berprestij. Banyak sekolah-sekolah seluruh Malaysia, tanpa mengira latarbelakang, akan menghantar kumpulan pendebat mereka. Debat UIA boleh dikatakan gelangang terbaik untuk setiap sekolah menguji kehebatan pasukan debat masing-masing. Hampir semua pasukan pendebat tersohor dari sekolah berasrama penuh ternama menyertai pertandingan ini termasuklah KISAS (dulu KIK), MCKK, TKC, RMC, STAR, STF, SDAR dan MRSM. Bagi sekolah biasa tidak ternama, di sini merupakan gelangang terbaik mereka untuk menguji kehebatan pasukan mereka. Pertandingan debat antara sekolah seumpama ini pernah terkenal di era 70an dan 80an dahulu yang lebih dikenali dengan debat Piala Perdana Menteri (PPM). Namun PPM terhad penyertaannya hanya kepada sekolah berasrama penuh sahaja. Puan Pengetua SMIH mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi kesyukuran di atas kejayaan berganda ini dan mengucapkan terimakasih kepada semua yang terlibat samada nyata atau tersembunyi. Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, SMIH pula akan menganjurkan debat peringkat antarabangsa yang dijadualkan akan berlangsung pada Julai 2009. For more, you can visit: http://hidayah.edu.my/ posted by Hana' at 5/03/2009 12:14:00 AM |
Cerita di Hari Cuti
Agak bosan melayari kehidupan hujung minggu ni walaupun hari Jumaat cuti Hari Pekerja. Sebabnya By telah meninggalkan kitorang berdua untuk pergi memancing laut dalam kat Kuantan nun. Dari awal tahun lagi By dah mintak permit untuk pergi memancing laut dalam (mancing biasa2 tepi longkang atau tepi tasik tak kire, itu pakai permit kelas rendah sikit), permit telah diapprove oleh bini beliau dengan kondisi 2 kali setahun saje. Saya pun tak kisah sebenarnya, itu hobi dia and i respect that. Antara hobi2 beliau yang lain yang saya tak leh nak join adalah main golf (sebab tak berapa nak terrer) dan jugak motor besar (sebab itu mottot sudah juai maaa). Hanya motor-motor kecik yang bersaiz tak melebihi 30 cm saje yang bisa dikumpul pada waktu ini..heheh. Kena tunggu Nufayl besar sikit la kalau nak beli motor lain. By kata Sabtu tengahari dah boleh naik darat, petang Sabtu dah boleh sampai rumah. Tapi bila dah pukul 6 petang lebih, By masih tak 'report' akan status beliau, saya mulalah tak senang duduk. Apa lah cerita nih, sampai dah nak maghrib tak dengar khabar lagi, dah lah tengah laut tak dapat connection. Saya sudah pun google no. pihak berkuasa kuantan nak check kot2 ada ribut taufan ke pitung beliung ke, tsumawi ke, tsunami ke....Che' tak mau jadi janda maakkk!!! Umuq che' pun belom 26 tahun lagi... (ehem, ehem...4 May ye..ngeheheh) Ala kulli hal, time tengah mencucuk2 keyboard untuk menggoogle no.polis kuantan, abanganda bertuah ku tu call. Sebbaik... Rupa-rupanya, group diorang petang tu baru nak naik darat. Sampai darat pun dah nak hampir maghrib... Mula-mula nak marah gak kat beliau nih, tak tau ke orang risau sampai nak repot polis dah. Tapi dengar suara By yang riang ria sambil berbunyi riak sebab beliau berjaya outperformed kengkawan2 beliau yang lain dengan berjaya menarik seekor swordfish yang besau, tak sampai hati pulak nak kill the moment..heheh. Tapi sebab ikan layar (swordfish) orang tak makan, lepas main tarik tali dengan ikan tu, diorang lepaskan je balik dalam laut. Kalau Nufayl tak de kat rumah, mesti saya sudah boring tahap cipan senggugut. Terima kasih la Nufayl, sebab temankan mama :). Bestnya Nufayl ni, sebab dia macam mama dia..suka tidur...hahah.. Ini je lah yang kitorang buat sepanjang 2 hari ni, dicampur jugak dengan perkara-perkara yang sewaktu dengannya: 1. Jumaat: Tidur balik pagi itu setelah bangun, dari pukul 11 pagi sampai pukul 2 petang. Nufayl selalu tepuk2 muka mama suruh bangun. Kalau mama masih tak bangun, Nufayl main sorang2 tepi mama sambil tepuk lagi muka mama sekali sekala...sampai la mama bangun. 2. Belajar buat 'cak cekur udang gamit' dengan tangan Nufayl. Secara terperincinya, apabila dinyanyikan 'cak cekur udang gamit', satu tangan kena buat bentuk macam 'twit', sambil dikenakan ke tangan yang satu lagi. Ajar Nufayl 2 kali je, dah boleh tangkap dah. Sekarang ni, kalau dia tak tepuk tangan, dia akan buat cak cekur udang gamit pulak. 3. Understands the meaning of 'ball' and his 'wormy'. Kalau mama kata 'Nufayl, where's your Wormy?'..Nufayl akan pusing carik Wormy dia the bagi kat mama. Tapi kejap je pastu amik balik sebab dia nak isap idung Wormy pulak. Kalau mama kata, 'Nufayl where's your ball', Nufayl pun tunjuk la ball yang Aunty Mak kasik untuk birthday dia. 4. Still, do NOT understand the word 'NO', tak tahu lah dia tak nak comprehend ke, atau memang rebellious anakku sorang nih. Kalau mama kata NO, Nufayl tengok dulu muka mama, pastu pegi buat lagi benda tuh. Bila mama tepuk2 tangan dia, (memukul secara berhemah :p), dia start main tepuk tangan pulak dah, dia ingat mama nak main tepuk tangan ngan dia ke....ayyooo ini budak aaa, susah mau marah ooo... 5. Nufayl can access the riskiness of his action pretty well. So far, dia tak pernah buat attempt lagi untuk terjun dari katil. Kalau dia main atas katil pun, bila dah sampai kat tepi tu, pelan2 je dia rendahkan badan dia...takut terjatuh... Tapi si kecik itu sudah pandai hulur kaki ke bawah nak turun katil. Last week dekat nursery, dia sudah panjat tangga naik tingkat atas. Semua orang tak sedar. Tetiba je, dengar suara dia dari atas nangis mintak tolong, sebab tak reti nak turun bawah sendiri. Kira dia tau kalau dia turun ni sure tak selamat punya. Nursery ni pun satu, pemantauan pun ntah hapa-hapa....dibuatnya anak aku tu tergolek ke..na'uzubillah.. Dah la yuran naik rege dari RM 295 to RM 330 sebulan. Harga tinggi macam tu charge kat parents, silalah tengok budak-budak tu betul-betul sikit. Itu sajalah entry untuk kali ni. p/s: Aishah, gambar bunga dan coklat yang aishah hantar kat mak tu along tak sure la upload kat computer mana. Nanti la along carik balik. posted by Hana' at 5/02/2009 11:12:00 PM |
Mama's 1-Year Old Big Boy
As cliché as it may sound, time does fly in a blink as I see Nufayl grows up before my eyes. I consider my life's greatest achievement to successfully breastfeed Nufayl with 100% of my own breast milk, and it goes beyond my other achievements and awards received from my schools or listed in the Dean's List for almost every semester or even doing well at work. As a working mother who TRAVELS A LOT, I have swam through the hardship of maintaining consistency in this field. Time, cost, energy... it takes all to provide the best for my child. I've brought Nufayl flew with me to Labuan and Miri, together with my mom to babysit Nufayl, in addition to Johor, Kerteh and Gurun for my business trips. To spend thousands of dollars on traveling cost just to make sure that I can still breastfeed Nufayl seems to be a justifiable thing to do. Kopak sikit aaa, tapi takpe :p. I also had my share on sleepless nights to express my milk in order for Nufayl to have enough milk at the nursery. After all, it is his undeniable right to been supplied by his mother's milk for at least 2 years. Another 1 year to go....hhmmm...and to think that my EBM stored in the freezer has decreased from 60 bottles to 12 bottles makes me stressed already...aaargghhh.... Nufayl will turn 1 as of 25 April 2009 and coincides with my department's Kelab Keluarga Bowling Tournament at Mid Valley. I was thinking to buy a cake and distribute it among the staff but I don't think the management of the bowling place will allow that..hehe.. Imagine how messy the place will be :p I'm more than happy to see his development from day to day. It brings us laughter and joy and definately the best thing Allah has given to us as His amanah. 1. Nufayl is a friendly little guy. Other older kinds (about 2-5 years old) at the nursery loves him very much and even when he started to develop a fever at the nursery and was been placed in his cot, other kids would still gather around the cot and transfer their toys into the cot for Nufayl to play with. Even when I come to pick him up from the nursery, the kids know that I'm Nufay's mother and yell 'Nufayl? Nufayl kat dalam tengah tido !!'. Comeyy giler bebudak nih... 2. Will wave back to everyone who wave at him. Tapi paling tak tahan kalau Nufayl babai dari dalam cot waktu mama kat dalam toilet. Sebab Nufayl akan nangis kalau tak nampak mama, mama akan bukak pintu toilet kalau nak ambik wudhu' ke atau buat le pape yang patut. Dia akan babai la mama dari masa mama masuk toilet sampai la mama keluar toilet. 3. Understand what is 'hot' and 'cold'. When I'm eating something cold and say to him that it's cold, he'll voluntarily touch the bowl/container with his PALM. When I serve him his solid food, I'll say 'Hot, Nufayl. This is hot'. He will slowly touch the bowl with his FINGERS and sometimes only his jari telunjuk sticks out. :p 4. Will nod his head when we ask a question. Will also shake his head saying 'no' mostly when he is too full after gulping 2 bowls of food. No wonder he is a bam-bam boy. 5. Excellent imitator. Understand and know that the tv and the air-cond remote controller controls those items, respectively. He will pick those remotes and point at the tv/air-cond, konon nak bukak la tu. Will gelek-gelek with his arms to imitate some else's punya gelek-gelek. 6. Will clap his hands if someone says 'tepuk Nufayl tepuk...' and 'pandai...'. 7. Very attached to a caterpillar toy aka his bantal busuk. My concern, he will put his fingers AUTOMATICALLY upon seeing his 'Wormy'. NEVER been separated from Wormy for more than 30 minutes. So I have to buy another Wormy because that worm needs to be washed weekly. Terbang lagi 60 hinggit. Nufayl loves to gentel his Wormy's red nose and sucks it, of course. So Wormy's red nose is always wet ALL THE TIME. 8. Nufayl ni rezeki murah, bersesuaian dengan nama Nufayl yang bermaksud hadiah/pemberian. Menarik hadiah/rezeki betul la Nufayl ni. Even his money from his savings account can buy a decent laptop. There was one time, we stopped by a keropok lekor stall and bought things worth RM 20. When we paid the money to the tokeh, the tokeh pulled out his drawer, retrieved RM 10 and gave it to Nufayl. Another time was when we was eating at a restaurant, an old man suddenly gave RM 2 to Nufayl. I'm really impressed on how other people can be nice to strangers. It really makes me want to become a better person myself. 9. Is already eating his feet!! Is it time for a little baby sister/brother? I hope it's not to soon...heheh. Mama baru nak tangkap nafas ni Nufayl :p 10. There was no fancy birthday party or anything for Nufayl's big day of turning 1-year old. I was pretty surprised that Aunty Mak, our neighbor who lives next to our house, gave Nufayl a birthday present. Ingat dia birthday Nufayl, kitorang takde plak heboh2. Mungkin sebab pagi2, my hubby akan bawak Nufayl sembang2 ngan Aunty Mak sebelum pergi kerja..hehe. So, what we did was bought a nice Mango cake, and shared it with our neighbors. Potong-potong, lepas tu bagi je kat jiran-jiran sebelah rumah. Niat kira sedeqah la. Mini kenduri kesyukuran..hehehe... 11. Birthday present for Nufayl... we took Nufayl to the National Zoo!! It was a present of memory and experience...kehkehkeh... Malang sekali hujan pulak lepas tu..tak dapat nak berpoya-poya lama-lama. Lepas tu kitorang pergi terus ke PWTC, hari terakhir untuk Book Fair. I bought Zain Bikha's 'Allah Knows'. Fall in love instantly. Have been playing the cd at my office continuously. Until now I keep playing 'My Mom Is Amazing' in my head... Best gile ahh ding-dong! Untuk Nufayl sayang, semoga anak bujang Mama ni membesar dengan sihat, cerdik dan hensem...:p. Babah dan Mama doakan Nufayl sentiasa di bawah lindungan, kasih-sayang dan rahmat Yang Maha Esa. Dan seterusnya menjadi seorang scholar Islam yang berjasa bila besar nanti ye, insyaAllah :). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() posted by Hana' at 4/24/2009 12:53:00 PM |
Letting the Inner Self Out
Love to blog, not doing that so much lately Love to read, not doing that so much lately Love to write poem, not doing that so much lately Love to cook, not doing that so much lately Love to decorate my home, not doing that so much lately Love to watch Inu Yasha and Fruit Basket, not doing that at all lately What I'm doing so much lately are: 1. Spending little time with my baby and hubby 2. Spending more time at work Conclusion: Need to change my work scope so that I can shift the time spent at work to spending more time with my family and I can do those things that I miss :) Haruskan SGM-ku bole melepaskan? --> Saya nak pindah Kerteh boley..? ![]() ![]() posted by Hana' at 3/08/2009 02:41:00 PM |
Long due tag. Sorry ye Aliya, mak cik tak sempat la... ![]() Nufayl 1-day old ![]() Nufayl 10 months and 1 week later 1. WAS YOUR FIRST PREGNANCY PLANNED? Ya'ah. Took about 3 months after we started planning to have a baby. (too much detail, no? ) 2. WHAT was your 2nd choice name or your opposite gender name: 'Umar and Yousef (2 nama aci tak?) 3. WHAT WERE YOUR REACTIONS? I distinctly remember that I was smiling... 4. HOW OLD WERE YOU? 25 5. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT YOU WERE PREGNANT? Took a couple of pregnancy tests, mission accomplished after the 3rd time...alhamdulillah :) 6. WHO DID YOU TELL FIRST? My parents (I looked at the pregnancy test result together with my hubby... and I said it best when I say nothing at all)--> tertiru lirik lagu la pulak. 7. DID YOU WANT TO FIND OUT THE SEX? Definitely... 8. DUE DATE? 1 May 2008 (Sudah risau semua doctor cuti since it falls on Labour Day :p) 9. DID YOU HAVE MORNING SICKNESS? Pretty much, yes. Even lost 5 kg..(but gained another 15 kg right after the sickness gone) 10. WHAT DID YOU CRAVE? Goreng pisang cicah dengan sambal kicap. 11. WHO/WHAT IRRITATED YOU THE MOST? My boss? hahah... 12. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CHILD'S SEX? A boy. 13. DID YOU WISH YOU HAD THE OPPOSITE SEX ? Nope. 14. HOW MANY KG DID YOU GAIN THROUGHOUT THE PREGNANCY? 20 kg? Scarryy... But never regret it :) 15. DID YOU HAVE A BABY SHOWER? No. 16. WAS IT A SURPRISE OR DID YOU KNOW? N/A 17. DID YOU HAVE ANY COMPLICATIONS DURING YOUR PREGNANCY? Alhamdulillah, everything was smooth sailing. 18. WHERE DID YOU GIVE BIRTH? Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital, Selangor. 19. HOW MANY HOURS WERE YOU IN LABOR? Went in at 9.00 am, the baby came out at 11.59 am. About 3 hours la kan... 20. WHO DROVE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL? My hero la, sapa lagi 21. WHO WATCHED YOU GIVE BIRTH? My dear husband, Dr. Ariza and a team of cheering nurses... 22. WAS IT NATURAL OR C-SECTION? Natural with Epi. 23. DID YOU TAKE MEDICINE TO EASE THE PAIN? Yes: 1. Asked for pain killer at 2 am. (still in my ward waiting for bigger opening) 2. Epidural --> during the labor 3. Gas --> post-labour. (due to : I can still feel the needle Dr. Ariza poked me with during the stitching time) 24. HOW MUCH DID YOUR CHILD WEIGH? 3.27 kg. 25. WHEN WAS YOUR CHILD ACTUALLY BORN ? 11.59 am (almost noon), 25 April 2008. 26. WHAT DID YOU NAME HIM/HER? Muhammad Nufayl bin Mazri 27. HOW OLD IS YOUR FIRST BORN TODAY? 10 months, 1 week and 3 days (ini sebab ada ticker, okey..) 28. WOULD YOU DO IT AGAIN? InsyaAllah..boleh boleh :). Berapa lagi By..lagi 6 eah.. (pengsan...) posted by Hana' at 3/08/2009 12:22:00 AM |
Nufayl @ 9.5-month
So Nufayl is having viral fever as I'm typing away, fully asleep under the influence of chlorpheniramine that he just took about half and hour ago. At first I thought that it was only a normal fever, like the last time he had every time he grows his teeth (he already has 2 tiny front teeth, by the way). Usually we'll just cool him down with 'Cool Fever' pads and the fever will go away after 2 days without taking any medication. Since he's still FULLY breastfed, we believe that insyaAllah his immune system is strong enough to fight the virus. The fever started on Wednesday when we were in Gurun, Kedah. I had to go for a business trip and brought along Nufayl with me, accompanied by my mother. It was not until Friday that tiny rashes decided to surface all over his body but we thought that was just the fever ending. He was getting better since his temperature was back to normal. By came from KL to Penang to pick Nufayl and me up. On the way bak to Gombak we dropped by to check out the beautiful Lake Garden in Taiping. The rashes are still there but he was active like a butterfly. When we were home, a doctor recommended to have Nufayl tested at a hospital since she worried that he may catch measles or Denggi. So we went to Ampang Puteri SH, let the nurse take a few drops of Nufayl's blood and the result came out negative for both measles and Denggi. ![]() At Lake Garden, Taiping, Perak ![]() Ceria-ceriakan si kecik yang sakit ![]() Rashes penuh pun kena kiss jugak.. ![]() Kena bedung dulu, takut Nufayl bersilat pulak atas katil tu ![]() Chak-ka-bom- Mama try nak buat lawak tapi tak jadi sebab Babah tengak sebok korek hidung Nufayl... ![]() Detik mencemaskan - Ready untuk Nufayl nangis Apa-apa hal pun, alhamdulillah... kena makan ubat tahan gatal je. Esok, nak kena try hantar nursery dulu, kalau kena halau dari nursery esok... tepaksa la babah amik cuti jaga Nufayl sebab mama kena masuk opis jugak esok..huarrgggg... posted by Hana' at 2/16/2009 12:32:00 AM |
Trip to Singapore & JB
The late update was due to the Israel attack on Gaza right after our trip. It has been in our plan for a while to visit Singapore and coincidentally By's motorbike buddies had a plan for a ride to Johor for Nasi Beriani Gam Batu Pahat and Mee Rebus Tulang in Johor Bahru. ![]() Tailing the ride heading South ![]() We were the only ones traveling by car :p ![]() One of the rides The first stop was Nasi Gam Beriani Batu Pahat. Well, funny story...since we were traveling by car, we were a little behind than the motorbikes. There are 2 famous Nasi Beriani restaurants in Batu Pahat and we confidently went to one of them, yeah..the wrong restaurant apparently. Since we were already there, we just ordered. The 'GAM' Nasi Beriani was already sold out so we just had the normal Nasi Beriani. And masyaAllah, no wonder it was so famous. I could just eat the rice without any chicken or lamb, it was that GOOD. No picture was taken, since we melantak first and just forgot the rest :p. When we met back with the group, the restaurant they went to had no Nasi Beriani left. Bukan rezeki diorang. After that, the group wanted to go to one of the bikers' house to take some pictures with all the bikes lined nicely in front of his new bungalow. We as the ones traveled by car, didn't really think that we could contribute. So we went to Taman Rama-Rama instead, located just near the Batu Gajah Exit. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We were back together with the group after the short visit to Taman Rama-Rama Melaka. When you travel with bikers, you should expect a lot of stops as they don't actually have to rush to anywhere. The ride itself is their objective, heheh. So when the group stopped at R&R Machap to lepak2 and relakskan kekebasan bontot masing2, we brought Nufayl to the playground to kill the time. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We reached JB's famous Mee Rebus Tulang after Maghrib. The restaurant has a few pondok with Japanese table. I felt comfortable since I can sit freestyle, heheh.. and let Nufayl play on his mattress while we were eating. The 'it' thing about the Mee Rebus Tulang is the amount of fat you can taste when you suck the all the fatty thingy from the bone..hehe. I only took a sip (they provide straw for your conveniences :p) and right after that I couldn't handle it no more. By had the honor to finish up my portion. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We separated from the group after kenyang..hahah. Spent the night at Tok Abah's apartment in Taman Desa Skudai and prepared for our journey to Singapore next morning. At 7 am, we departed from the apartment and took the 2nd link and alhamdulillah the road was smooth with no traffic jam at all. Maybe it's due to the fact that we have to pay RM 10 for the toll. The first stop point was Mustafa Center, a 24-hour everything-you-can-get shopping complex. The place is so crowded with selling items left and right we hardly managed to breath. I bought a new pair of Polo Club shoes in exchange of my current RM 8.99 Giant brand shoes that I have been wearing for the past 5 months. Bought some chocolates too even though the price difference is not that much. We also bought a pelampung for Nufayl's splash-splash time at Tok Abah's swimming pool apartment, a new Crocodile belt for Tok Abah and Turkish Delight for Mak Tok. ![]() ![]() ![]() Orchard Road was the next target. It was hard to find a parking spot so we had to park at a hotel nearby. The road was busy busy busy with people walking, felt like I was in New York for a while if it was not for the heat. The real objective was actually to find this specific restaurant that By had went to when he was out-stationed to Singapore 2 years ago. It was the famous Ayam Penyek which was located in a shopping complex. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Went to a masjid for solat jama' Zohor & Asr, then had a look at Sentosa Island. Apparently, it is quiet big but we decided not to entertain ourselves due to the big crowd and long queue. Personal note, only visit this kind of place when it is not during school/public holidays. By had bought online tickets for Night Safari 3 days before. We kindda anticipate the place with big crowd after peeking at Sentosa Island, but I didn't realize that the situation was pretty much a disaster. The gate to the Night Safari only opens at 7 pm so the big crowd just lingered around outside the gate. We had some ice creams first and by the time we were ready to get in we were been pointed to a looonnngggggggggggggggggggggg queue that was already there since, I don't know..last month? Should we know that the queue were that long, we would not be spending our time having ice cream and what not. It took us about 30-45 minutes to get in (Bear in mind, we were early birds). Then there were 2 options, whether to see the Animal Show first or take the train for the Night Safari. We opted for the Animal Show, but wait...we still need to queue for that. That was another 30 minutes down the drain until we got our spots at the auditorium. Since it was around Maghrib, we were afraid that Nufayl would get cranky and all, so we recited some doa' with hope that he'll be fine. Throughout the show, he was doing ok with not a single cry. The show was so-so, not as magnificent as I imagined it would be. Semua animals baik2 dan tak membahayakan like ferrets and a boa. Ok, there was a hyena and a wolf...but I was not impressed. Bawak la keluar cheetah ke lion ke jaguar ke ..baru la mencabar...ceh. When it ended I was like, "laaa..itu je ke.." and I was nearly fainted back then trying to pull Nufayl's stroller in the sea of people.(By had to hold him since he didn't want to sit in the stroller). Then it was time for us to ride the train to explore the Night Safari. And yes, still have to queue for another 1 HOUR...1 HOUR! You just imagine ye, when it comes to times like this..all you have is patience. People from all over the world was there (from India, Japan, Africa and yes..Malaysia) and they do have different culture. Not all of them were well behaved and know the concept of queuing. Some of them push, tried to cut the line and some did smell badly. However, I was touched by this Indian guy who told the Night Safari staff to let us go first because we were carrying a baby. But By told that it was ok since there were many other couples with babies besides us and it wouldn't be fair for them. But I was told to sit near the entrance with Nufayl and By would call us when our time comes. The train riding was ok, it was raining but we got to see the animals up-close in the wild. It was like going to a zoo but with train and little light. Nufayl didn't enjoy it since it was pretty dark, so his parents je la yang ugaa-gaa-gaa watching the animals...heheh. It was not worth our money to go there during school holiday. The experience actually traumatizes me. Maybe if we go there during normal days, it won't be that bad. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We left the Night Safari around 10.30 pm. Then we dropped by at Mustafa Center again for more chocolates. Lupa pulak ramai sanak sedara nak kena bagi souvenirs. Chocolates are great gifts :). We reached at Tok Abah's apartment around 2 am. We attended Zaid and Manihah's wedding on Saturday. This was a reunion session for me since I met some of my friends that I havent' seen for almost 7 years. Then went to Angsana to buy nothing..hahah. Saje boring-boring takde keje. My mum used to have a shop there but that was long time ago. We attended another wedding on Sunday. It was Kak Asma' and her brother Zaki. Unfortunately the 2 newlyweds and their spouses weren't there yet. Make-up lama sangat kot..heheh. We had 2 more weddings to go to that day. Both weddings were in Kluang so Nufayl met his mbah and mbah lanang (tok and nenek from By's side) on the weddings.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() posted by Hana' at 1/24/2009 01:24:00 PM |