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The Power of Doa (supplication)
Fliza memandang tepat kearah Goku, matanya bersinar merah menahan kemarahan. Aura dan tenaga dalaman yang dikumpulkan dari seluruh urat2 sarafnya berpusar laju, menahan kapasiti tiada terhad di hujung jari2nya yang hodoh itu. Dalam keadaan yang runcing itu, Son Goku tidak mampu untuk mengumpul tenaganya, dia perlukan kacang sakti untuk memulihkan kembali tenaganya yang confirm sudah sampai tahap -2. "Ohhh....you're gonna die, take this!!!!"Fliza memancarkan kuasanya yang hebat la tu kononnya kearah Son Goku. Son Goku memejamkan mata...menadah tangannya... lalu berdoa, "Ya Allah ya Tuhanku...selamatkanlah aku daripada perbuatan si Fliza ini, ameen.." Tidak semena-mena..kedengaran desiran angin dari ufuk timur, mendesir laju mengalihkan aura kuasa Fliza hilang dr pandangan horizon. *Kesimpulan daripada sketsa yang tiada kena mengena dengan yg masih hidup ataupon yang telah pun meninggal dunia, ialah: when time matters most, Doa is the answer. Well, not exactly true. Doa is essential in our lives anytime, anywhere. One example, my mom told me this story when I was 12 years old about my brothers. I have two brothers who I really adore because of their capabilities of becoming 'hafizes' within 2 years time and not to mention both of them are pretty handsome, and behaving very nicely to their parent and me :). Okay, let's go back to our main story. As we all know, a mother's doa is very very very mustajab. When my mom was carrying Ammar in her stomach, she met this one cute Arab/or mat salleh kid, and she was so fond of him... My mom said, (lebeh kurang) "Ya Allah, cantiknya budak ni...putihnya...", something like that and I didn't know what kind of doa she made, but when my brother was born, he had Caucasian's skin color!!! Mom told me, even his eyebrows looked blond. Then, when Ammar was growing up, my mom tengok, (l/k)"eah..kalau putih sangat, agak kurang mannish, tannak la putih2 lagi..." Then, when my other brother Amir was born, he waa...hitam.( Mak cakap 'Hitam', so I directly use the exact word) p/s: tapi sekarang masing2 serupa je kaler, Ammar is less 'putih' and Amir is less 'hitam', and both of them are handsome and kind-hearted, who's interested please fill out the form dulu, Along dia akan approve or tak approve ;p From my own personal experience pulak, I have this interesting anecdote I want to share. In some events I went to, I entered some 'cabutan bertuah'. Selalunya cabutan bertuah ni depa buat automatically, I mean kalau masuk je event tu, automatically we entered the cabutan bertuah. So, everytime ada cabutan bertuah, I made a doa, (l/k) "Ya Allah, bagilah aku menang..bestnye kalau dapat hadiah..dah lama tak dapat hadiah..." Everytime the lucky numbers are announced, my heart kept praying that my number might be one of them. And, Allah with His greatest power never disappointed me. After 3 times making supplication (doa) on three different cabutan bertuah, my doa was granted…, and I felt sooo happy :). But on the 4th cabutan bertuah, I didn't make doa. I only wished that I would win, but I didn't mention Allah's name. And of course, I left the event without any cabutan bertuah prize. Maybe some of you might think, dah dah la tu..tamak sangat..dah 3 kali dapat pun still nak minta2 lagi. Well, good point you have there ;p, but another point is, we have to make doa for anything we want. I'm not an alim ulama', I make mistakes everyday in my life, I do wrong doings too,and I'm really not proud about it...I'm not perfect. I'm just a regular girl who prayed for the things she wanted. We have to aware that Allah listens to us, every single one of us, no matter who we are, no matter how small or big the thing is. Indeed, there are some rules and regulations that we must abide by, in order for our doa to be granted. Di dalam kitab Al Hakim ada dijelaskan ,maksudnya, "Apabila Allah melepaskan lidahmu untuk memohon ,ketahuilah bahawa Allah hendak memberi kamu." Konsep doa ada dijelaskan di dalam sebuah kitab Hikam. Based on the kitab, "apabila Allah melepaskan lidahmu untuk memohon, ketahuilah bahawa Allah ingin memberikan pertolongan mengikut apa yang dipohon. Oleh yang demikian, berdasarkan doa itu sendiri yang berfungsi sebagai jiwa ibadat, maka proses doa itu adalah permohonan yang diatur dalam bentuk ayat yang menyatakan suara hati seseorang hamba." Imam Al-Ghazali dalam Kitab Ihya Ulumu Din Jilid 1, halaman 306-309 menyenaraikan beberapa adab sopan yang dianjurkan ketika memohon pertolongan dari Allah swt: 1. Pada Hari Arafah, bulan Ramadan, hari Jumaat dan waktu sahur. 2. Dalam keadaan yang khusyuk seperti waktu sujud 3. Menghadap kiblat dan mengangkat tangan sampai ke garis ketiak, bukan atas lutut. 4. Merendahkan suara, hanya sekadar dapat didengar oleh orang yang ada di sisi kita. 5. Tidak perlu menggunakan kata-kata bersajak, cukuplah dengan kata-kata yang sederhana serta merendahkan diri, tidak perlu berirama, namun diutamakan doa yang berasal daripada Rasulullah s.a.w. dan sahabat. 6. Mempercayai dan berkeyakinan dengan doa itu. Tidak kecewa dan gelisah jika doa belum lagi diperkenankan. 7. Memulakan doa dengan memuji Allah, jangan terus memohon apa yang dihajati. 8. Taubat sebelum berdoa. ![]() Firman Allah swt: "Berdoalah, nescaya aku perkenankan untukmu". posted by Hana' at 12/22/2004 05:46:00 AM |
The Tiny Miracle Behind Spiderman
by: Harun Yahya These days another film being watched with great interest by everyone from 7 to 70 is doing the rounds: "Spiderman-2." The film is a sequel to the first, which broke "first three day" box office records when it was first released in the USA two years ago, and this too looks likely to break further records. The film broke the "first day" box office record in North America with $40.5 million. Let us now have a look at the features that make this superhero the "hero" he is. The Spider Leap Spiderman is capable of leaping great heights, just like a spider. The Spider Web Spiderman produces a web similar to that of a real spider and uses it to enmesh anyone he wishes to catch. Spider Reflexes Just like a spider, Spiderman possesses fast, powerful reflexes for protection in moments of danger. Spider Senses In addition to his reflexes, Spiderman also has "spider senses" to protect him from danger. Thanks to these it is impossible ever to attack him unawares from behind. These reflexes and senses make him a hero hard to beat. The Miracle of Silk Spider silk is five times stronger than steel of the same thickness. Steel, known for being one of the strongest materials in the world, is an alloy produced in large factories in a series of processes. Spiders' silk, however, five times stronger than steel, is not produced in large factories: it is made by an arachnid. Just about any spider we can see anywhere can produce it. Another striking feature of the silk is that it is very light. We can demonstrate this with an example. A silk thread stretching around the whole world would only weigh 320 grams.(1) In addition, spider silk can stretch to four times its own length. It is very difficult to find a material both strong and elastic. For example, steel cables are one of the strongest materials around. But because they are not elastic like rubber, they slowly lose their shape. And although rubber cables do not lose their shape, they are not strong enough to lift heavy weights. On the other hand, as has been described above, spider silk is five times stronger than steel wire of the same thickness, and 30 percent more elastic than rubber of the same thickness.(2) For full story, please check out this site ![]() even a tiny creature is full of the signs of Allah's excellent creation posted by Hana' at 12/18/2004 02:51:00 AM |
Studying Vs Working
Assalamualaykum. I remembered my conversation with mak two weeks ago. Basically when I call home, the standard questions go like these..."Mak apa khabaq?... Tok sume sehat ka?...Mak dok buat apa la ni?... Apa macam business?...Apa ceghita menaghik? Blaablaablaa.... But then, that night mak said to me, (lebeh kurang).."Abah ngan mak syok kalau Along balik Malaysia...ambik la cuti 2,3 bulan kaa, balik Malaysia...buat Shaklee. Ada sorang downline Along, budak utm, dah jadi master dah, every month dekat berbelas ribu gaji dia". And my mind said, "aikkk, pulak...". I grinned, but then my mouth politely refused the offer... Speaking of studying vs working, most careered people will agree that studying is far much better than working. I remember my standard 6 class teacher, Ustazah Gee told us once, (lebeh kurang) "sekarang memanglah kamu rasa malas nak belajar, ini susahlah..itu susahlah. Nanti bile kamu dah kerja nanti, baru la tau betapas seronoknya belajar tu. Macam ustazah, kalau boleh, ustazah nak belajar sampai bile2..." Well, even though 9/10 of rezeki comes from business, and doing business is a sunnah as well, as my beloved teacher said, belajar ni best.... Sabda Rasulullah : "Sesiapa yang menghendaki dunia, hendaklah berilmu. Sesiapa yang menghendaki akhirat, hendaklah berilmu dan sesiapa yang menghendaki kedua-duanya, hendaklah berilmu." A hadith narrated by Thabrani: Rasulullah bersabda, "Apabila melewati taman syurga, hendaklah engkau duduk di situ. Istirahatlah kamu di situ." Para sahabat bertanya, "Ya Rasulullah, apa taman syurga itu?" Nabi menjawab, "Majlis-majlis ilmu. So, kalau dah nearly 1/2 masa kite spent at school,where every class offers knowledge and skills in many ways, kirenya 1/2 of our day sebenarnya ibarat beristirehat di taman syurga...cool eah? :) p/s: sapa2 berminat nak tambah pendapatan dengan buat business Shaklee, please contact me in the end of May 2006, aightt? ;p time belajar adalah time untuk kutip pengalaman dr kengkawan jugak, jenjalan sana, jenjalan sini - belakang library Indiana University on the way pi class pon still sempat nak amik2 gambo, main sana, main sini...rasa best je hidup ini posted by Hana' at 12/17/2004 02:10:00 AM |
Mama and Baby Giraffes
Assalamualaykum. ![]() "I'm sorry mama"..."Dah, dah..lain kali jangan buat lagi, ok?...i love you.."" posted by Hana' at 12/16/2004 09:27:00 PM |
My obsessions
I am obsessed with two things, first my kampong Guaq Pehgau (or you non-penang-slang speakers may call it Guar Perahu). When I talk about obsession, I really mean...obsession. When I was in my boarding school(SMKAJB), I always waiting for the holidays to come, since they were my chances to "balik kampong". It is just a typical kampong as you may agree, but once you open the door, you may see the green soothing sawah bendang, the tall coconut trees swiping away all worries, and of course...my lil brothers running outside and inside the house all the time. How obsessed am I?...Well, I am obsessed enough to skip classes on Friday and Monday every week we had a holiday ;p Second Obsession. Rebutia. Hmmm...how do I start.... Majority of people who know me, know Rebutia as well. posted by Hana' at 12/13/2004 03:45:00 AM |
I cried for my weakness, ...and they said because of the weakness I gained the strength I stumbled upon tribulations, ...and they picked me up from the ground, I came and I left, ...and they crafted the symphony of my heart... For that Ya Rabb, I thank you for their love that you flourish in my every breath... ![]() hoosiers 2004 tak cukup quorum ![]() entrance masuk ke Rebutia and please notice the ropes tied to the tree are the end of our flying fox game ![]() saat2 menjamu selera di Rebutia and please notice jugak Abg Man tengah tutup nasik dia tannak kasi org tengok ![]() empat bas menjemput adik2 KMP pulang ke Perak setelah penat 'dibelasah' oleh akak2 n abg2 fasi Rebutia ![]() favourite chalet, chalet #1 - rumah kedua from Thursday 'till Monday when I was in Sunway ![]() big boss Rebutia, Mr. Poknik posing with his new kembara, accompanied by Mr. Ahmad ![]() fasiTeam Rebutia diatas Pentas Utama ![]() berjasa pada tanah, menyeri halaman rumah, mengubat hati dilaman gundah, menyemai kasih tak pernah berubah - tanam sendiri ni tau ;) posted by Hana' at 12/12/2004 02:12:00 AM |