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Belut Pulang ke Sarang
Assalamualaykum wht, It's been quite a while since I last updated this 'home' of mine. I spend my days doing chores or pretend to do it my whole day since I arrived in Malaysia 2 weeks ago, besides pi Johor and KL sometimes last week. Pretty much I am redecorating, painting, and cleaning the house for the big day. I gained nearly 3 kilos in 2 weeks, muahahaha… belasah je sume ketupat rending, daging, burger, almaklumkah, qadha' 3 tahun punye kuata. All my siblings dah besau2 panjang sume. As I expected, I am the shortest of all 3 s in the family, but if you count mak as well, I'll become second, ..hehehe..mak tak puas hati betul when I bring this up when my relatives criticize my 'comel' appearance. I am so proud of my 2 sisters, si Aishah tu dah pandai ironkan baju adik dia voluntarily without sape2 pun suruh, pepandai dia je amik baju adik dia dari bakul and ironkan. Afik plak dah pandai jahit tudung sendiri, beli itu sendiri, buat itu sendiri without mak's help. Ahmad still manja cam dulu gak ngan kakak sulung dia, even though dah darjah 4. I thought bile balik nanti he would jadi like segan skit sebab dah 'dewasa', tapi dia still boleh bantai tidur atas my riba and do all that manja-anak-@-adik- su stuff. Owhhh..but he still refused to show me his thingy yang telah disunatkan :p, (ehem ehem.. it's for medical reason since he dok kata he still sakit after a month la) First raya di Malaysia, alhamdulillah, awesome!! Couldn't ask for more. posted by Hana' at 1/11/2006 04:03:00 PM |