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Assalamualaykum wht,
Baik dan Buruk Dosa dan Pahala Apabila kamu merasa letih kerana berbuat kebajikan Maka sesungguhnya keletihan itu akan hilang dan kebaikan yang dilakukan akan terus kekal. Dan sekiranya kamu berseronok dengan dosa Maka sesungguhnya keseronokkan itu akan hilang dan dosa itu akan terus kekal. - Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib Rumusan: 1) Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian Bersusah sakit dahulu, bersyukur senang kemudian. 2) Buat benda baik memang la letih sikit, kan... Tolong mak basuh pinggan, tolong abah cuci kereta, tolong jiran sapu sampah, tolong atok beli suwat kaba, tolong diri sendiri study untuk exams, tolong masyarakat di Palestine dan serata dunia... Isshhhh...penatnyeee.. Tapi, anggap saje la kita mengumpul point-point pahala. Pahala terkumpul macam hadiah bonanza Roda Impian. Walau tidak dapat sekarang, esok2 bile dapat sekali gus baru puas hati. Terus kaya. 3) Buat jahat memang la tak letih, malah menyeronokkan, kan... Ngumpat, sekeh anak orang, meniru dalam exam, tertipu sunat, dan perkara-perkara yang sewaktu dengannya.... Isshhhhh...bestnyeeeeee.... Ha'ah, best la sangat. best ye? best sangat? ye ke best? Kalau anda masih lagi rasa best, sila rujuk kembali kata-kata hikmah di atas. Pucuk pauh delima batu, Sayang selasih hamba lurutkan, Jom meh perbetul action, nawaitu, Berpayah demi syurga idaman. Wallahu'alam. posted by Hana' at 5/31/2006 03:39:00 PM |
Life Goes On
Assalamualaykum wht, Currently in Guar Perahu, Penang. By has sent me to my parent's house last Saturday. Sampaaai hati dia... ;p posted by Hana' at 5/24/2006 07:11:00 PM |
Assalamualaykum wht,
Islam and Secularism DIpetik dari Berita Harian Tudung kepala alasan bunuh Pemuda Turki mengaku tembak hakim kerana sekat wanita bertudung jadi pengetua ANKARA: Seorang peguam yang menyerbu masuk sebuah mahkamah dan membunuh seorang hakim serta empat orang lain memberitahu polis melakukannya atas alasan mahkamah menyekat seorang wanita daripada menjadi pengetua sekolah kerana dia memakai tudung kepala. ![]() KAWALAN KETAT: Arslan (kanan) dikawal oleh polis ketika hadir perbicaraan di Mahkamah Ankara, semalam. Hakim Mustafa Yucel Ozbilgin kena tembakan di kepala dan meninggal dunia di hospital, lapor agensi berita Anatolia. Saksi berkata, peguam itu, Alparslan Arslan, 29, melaungkan 'Saya tentera Allah' dan 'Allahu Akbar' sebelum melepaskan tembakan. Arslan adalah ahli Persatuan Guaman di Istanbul. Februari lalu, empat orang hakim termasuk Mustafa mengundi untuk menyekat kenaikan pangkat guru sekolah rendah yang memakai tudung di luar masa kerja. Hakim kelima, bagaimanapun, mengundi menyokong wanita itu naik pangkat. Gambar mereka disiarkan oleh akhbar Vakit yang pro Islam. Keputusan hakim dikritik Perdana Menteri Recep Tayyip Erdogan yang partinya AKP bertunjangkan politik Islam. Erdogan, bagaimanapun, turut mengutuk penyerang. Serangan itu disifatkan sebagai isyarat paling dramatik terhadap kekecewaan rakyat Turki yang majoritinya beragama Islam tetapi ditadbir secara sekular. Ia menyebabkan 25,000 orang termasuk hakim, peguam dan tokoh akademiki melakukan bantahan mengutuk serangan itu. Dalam perkembangan terbaru, polis juga menahan tiga lagi lelaki berkaitan kejadian serangan itu, lapor Anatolia. Polis belum mengulas serangan itu yang dikatakan meningkatkan ketegangan antara golongan sekular dengan pemerintah yang cenderung kepada tradisi agama. Isu utama membabitkan pengharaman terhadap pemakaian tudung kepala di universiti dan pejabat kerajaan. Pengharaman itu bermula pada 1980-an tetapi ada kena mengena dengan era bekas pemimpin Mustafa Kemal Ataturk yang memansuhkan pemakaian beragama dan menggunakan peraturan perundangan ala-Switzerland pada 1926. Serangan itu juga dianggap tamparan hebat kepada AKP dalam usahanya melonggarkan peraturan mengenai pemakaian tudung kepala yang dipakai kebanyakan wanita di Turki. AKP mula memerintah pada 2002 berlandaskan ikrar melonggarkan pengharaman itu. Turki akan sekali lagi menghadapi pilihan raya tahun depan. Isteri Erdogan, wife, Emine, diharamkan daripada menghadiri majlis presiden kerana beliau memakai tudung kepala. Emine sebelum ini menggesa supaya pengharaman itu ditamatkan. – Agensi *Bila tarjadinya kezaliman, yakni tidak meletakkan sesuatu pada tempatnya, maka akan adalah pelbagai cara dilakukan untuk membetulkan kezaliman itu. Adakah Arslan, penembak di atas nama Allah itu, berlaku zalim...atau membetulkan kezaliman? posted by Hana' at 5/19/2006 04:38:00 PM |
The Purification Act : Alcohol
as lectured by Syeikh Abdulbary Yahya Assalamualaykum wht, Allah says: "O ye who believe! Intoxicants, gambling, idols, and divination by arrows are but filth of Satan's handiwork. Keep away from it in order that you may succeed. [Surah al-Maidah: 90] Scholars agree that this verse prohibiting intoxicants is among the last verses of the Qur'an to be revealed. There is no possibility that this verse has been abrogated. Its ruling, therefore, is in force until the Day of the Judgement. However, does the fact that the wine is unlawful (haram) also mean that it is impure (najis)? The scholars are divided into two opinions concerning the purity of Alcohol: 2) NOT Najis Rabi'ah ar-Rai'(Imam Malik's teacher), Daud az-Zahiry, Laith Ibn Sa'ad, Syaukani Reason A: A man gave Rasulullah saw a waterskin of wine as a gift. Allah's Messenger saw said, "Do you know Allah has prohibited this?" He said, "No, I did not." Then he whispered an instruction to someone. Rasulullah saw asked, "What did you whisper to him?" He answered, "I told him to go and sell it." The prophet said, "Whatever is forbidden to drink is likewise forbidden to sell." So the man opened the waterskin and poured out its contents. [Sahih Muslim(3/1206), Sunan al-Bayhaqi(6/12), Musnad Ahmad(1/230,244,323, and 358),Sunan al-Darami(2/171), and Musnad Abu Ya'la(2468)] *The point is, if the wine is impure, Rasulullah would ask the man to wash the container after he poured out the wine..but Rasulullah saw didn't ask him to do so...Therefore, the wine is NOT NAJIS Reason B: Anas relates the following, I was serving drinks to people in the home of Abu Talhah on the day the wine was prohibited, and they were drink drinking nothing but date wine. Suddenly, someone called out, "Come out and see!" So we did so and someone called out, "Verily, wine has been prohibited!" It was flowing through the streets of Madinah. Abu Talhah said to me, "Take it outside and pour it out". So I did so. [Sahih Bukhari(3/102), and Sahih Muslim(3/1568-1572)] *The point is, if the wine is najis...those people won't membanjirkan the wine di tengah2 jalan utama dioarang..memandangkan the street is where most of the people will be..dengan rumahnya kanan kiri, and the act would menajiskan kaki dan baju diorang. Based on this situation, it's implied that the wine is NOT NAJIS 2) Najis Imam Hanifah, Malik, Syafi'e, Ahmad Rebutal against Reason A: It's a common sense that the guy will wash the container, so Rasulullah didn't tell him to do the obvious. For example, kalau a container tu kita dah letak air sirap. Bile habis air sirap, kita nak isi air tebu pulak. It's a common sense yang kita akan basuh the container supaya rasa dia tak bercampur. Rebutal against Reason B: The flowing wine was not really flowing on the street, it was just a figure of speech. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The stronger opinion is: The wine IS NAJIS, physically and spiritually. --> Alcohol that will make you die if you consume it, is not really alcohol, so it's not najis. For example, alcohol in perfumes. --> However, alcohol in mouthwash like Listerine, ect is considered an alcohol..since you won't die if you swallow it. Therefore, belilah mouthwash yang tade alcohol. Wallahu'alam. posted by Hana' at 5/17/2006 01:52:00 AM |
Assalamualaykum wht,
Wa Makaru Wa Makarallah Wallahu Khairul Maakayreen. We say, alhamdulillah. ^-^ posted by Hana' at 5/16/2006 06:55:00 AM |
Soccer and My Life
Assalamualaykum wht, By has always been a soccer fan, (or a football fan, as we call it in Malaysia). He knows every player, their individual moves, even their characteristics and lifestyles. He clicks soccernet.com every five minutes or calls his buddy to check on the scores, if he's not in front of the TV or the computer. By and my brother, Ammar, get along so well because they always have something to talk about--> soccer. That's his passion and I do respect it very much. However, I am no soccer fan. Yeah...I know some players yang glamer2; David Beckam, Michele Owen, Ronaldo...cukuplah syarat untuk memenuhi general knowledge about soccer. I have never in my life watched a game from the start until the last 90th minute. I just don't have enough kesabaran to wait for a ball kicked or headed into the goal. The screaming part--> GOAL !!!! is inevitable so I have no problem enjoying it with the rest of the soccer fans. Things were about to change when one of By's buddies asked him to watch a game together in Hartamas. Watching a game with buddies at a mamak stall with a big screen is heaven. It was the most crucial game of this year's EPL since it would determine whether Chelsea will win or not; Chelsea was going to fight against Man U. Unluckily, he couldn't come and enjoy the crowd as much as he wanted to. After hearing the conversation between him and his buddy, I came to him and said, "I'll be your new soccer buddy, I'll watch the whole game with you, I'll even cheer for the team that fights against yours so that the game will be more interesting!!", Wooohh, that sounded funny to me even as I was saying it. When the game started, I really didn't have an idea of what I am supposed to do. By is a forever Man U fan, so I inevitably was cheering for Chelsea. After 4 minutes staring at the screen in silence, I bluntly cheered "Chelsea, Chelsea..!!!" (the rhythm was exactly as I heard once or twice on tv). The next minute, Chelsea scored its first goal. By couldn't believe his eyes, and I couldn't stop my cheers. That 90 minutes was a blast. I couldn't stop giggling at Park Ji-sung, which was always seemed to stumble sesuka hati dia even though tade orang pun tengah tackle his move. Dia rajin kejar bola although I think he plays funny. By couldn't believe even Makelele sesuka hati mengejar Park dan menyiku si Park instead of mengejar bola. Rooney seemed to be the only one fighting against Chelsea, and when he got injured...even Chelsea's fans were heart-broken as it was not concerning the game anymore, it was about the greater deal, it was about the World Cup. Mourinho looked too control macho as a manager, he is a good strategy maker but I don't really salute his early celebration before the game was over, yolah..Rooney pun dah out of the game. By did the most unbelievable thing I have never imagined.. for the first time, he temporarily switched his loyalty to Chelsea during the second 45 minutes. For the first time, he was really despaired by Man U's performance, ..man...that was cweezyyy. I have started to involve soccer into my world, since soccer is a part of By's world. Soccer will have to do a lot with my life especially next month. Yes, the World Cup is approaching ladies.. We already invited Ammar to berkampung at my house since we don't have Astro in kampong Penang. Ammar told me weeks ago that he was asked untuk membacakan Yasin di Majlis Sukan Negara untuk kemenangan MyTeam. He told me Fareez wasn't a part of the team before the episode was shown on tv. I know the sport really pretty well by now; the rules, some of the great players and how they behave on the field. I have a good sifu teaching me patiently. I asked By, "Why the Malaysian players are not as good as the European players?" He said, "That question was long asked right after Mokhtar Dahari died, and nobody really knows the answer". I would say Ronaldinho is my favorite at this moment . He has skills that won't make my eyes blinking. By said it's also because of his cool, clean personalities that make people fall in love with him. Allah has created his face with a very unique gigi style that makes him looks like he's always smiling. I couldn't agree more. ^-^ posted by Hana' at 5/14/2006 02:52:00 PM |
Mari Belajar Bahasa Isyarat
Assalamualaykum wht, Ya Allah, I can not help myself but to go crazy again about Japanesse stuff.. Oleh itu,... Mari belajar bahasa Jepun dan juga Bahasa Isyarat ye adik-adik...,dengan bunyi-bunyian... p/s: Sekiranya tersangkut-sangkut, sila minimize window ini..dan pergi la buat apa-apa keje lain yang berpekdah.. clip ini amik masa sedikit untuk didownload. Then, tekan butang play untuk kedua-kalinya. Dan jangan lupa stopkan radio misgOnline di bawah agar tidak mengganggu sesi pembelajaran anda. posted by Hana' at 5/10/2006 10:05:00 AM |