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Do, Re, Mi
Assalamualaykum wht, It's weird when 3 of my siblings are taking the same exam, in the same year. Aishah is inevitably in form 5, since she's 17 years old. Both Ammar and Amir are 22 and 20 years old but they had spent their good teenage years in Madrasah Miftahul Ulum, an all-boy private school, and didn't get the opportunity to sit for a real 'kementerian' exams even though they did learn maths, english, and stuff like that. So, Aishah, Amir and Ammar will be sitting for SPM this year. We have 3 sets of textbook for each subject, except the books are widely spread in term of location. Aishah's at her hostel, or school, or whatever...in Nibung Tebal. Amir's up in his room or sometimes in his bag when he brings them to school in Kepala Batas. Ammar's on his table, at one corner of our house. Ammar's books never leave the house. Graduated from a very soleh academic institution, he came out quite polite, nice and shy. On the night before the first day of coming into a public school, he came to our grandma and mumbled, "Macam mana nak pi sekolah esok ni..." Tok asked, "Awatnya..?" He answered, "Ramai sangat pempuan..." :p At the end of his first day of school, he called Mak and told her that he didn't want to go back to that school. Culture shock, undeniably. He couldn't stand the students. They were too rude towards the teachers, asking stupid questions. So, he's now studying by himself for SPM at home, tutored by mak. :p Amir is another different story, even though Ammar and him graduated from the same school. He is charming, easy to get along with, always helping people around. He is naturally built that way. Haven't heard him nagging about school yet. With only 4 boys in a sea of girls in the classroom, he must be doing fine then. One day, his cikgu had assigned his class a portfolio to be completed within 1 month. So, during that period of time he was bursting his butt off to produce a decent job. A day before the due date, his girl friends aka kawan-kawan sekelas pempuan asked to borrow his completed portfolio. Been a nice macho guy, of course...he gave his portfolio to the girls and requested the girls to submit in his portfolio along with theirs on the next day. At the end of a chaos busy school day that afternoon, not a single girl remembered that they had left his portfolio in the classroom. It was laying helplessly on a table, near a window. During the night, the rain came for a visit. The ink on the paper smeared, all graphs became blurry. Disaster beyond reason. And the morning came. Horror streaked on some innocent faces. Amir was flabbergasted. The next second, half of girls in the class were busy like ants. They planned to make another portfolio that was supposed to be completed in a month, in just a day. Amir started drawing, the girls helped him coloring. Tak belajar bebudak nih semata-mata nak menolong si Amir. At the end of the day, Amir handed in his freshly made portfolio. And all he had to say to mak was, "Diorang kaler lagi lawa,mak.." Nasib baik la hang ni handsome Tok Mir oooiiii... posted by Hana' at 7/27/2006 09:56:00 PM |
Assalamualaykum wht,
Some quotes I found interesting. Or not. : Some of them are on akhlaq, budi pekerti, ect. which Islam already thaught since forever. Anyone can become angry, that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way... this is not easy. -->Aristotle If things go wrong, don't go with them. -->Roger Babson Behind every great fortune there is a crime. -->Honore de Balzac In politics stupidity is not a handicap. -->Napoleon Bonaparte Be smarter than other people, just don't tell them so. -->H. Jackson Brown, Jr. I like a man who grins when he fights. -->Winston Churchill We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. -->Epictetus Fish and visitors stink after three days. -->Benjamin Franklin Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten. -->Gucci posted by Hana' at 7/24/2006 09:28:00 PM |
Kisah Sang Arnab dan Kura-kura
Assalamualaykum wht, Di suatu malam yang tak berapa hening, si isteri yang agak sukar untuk tidur berkata kepada suaminya yang sudah pun tidur2 ayam. Si isteri: Abang, abang ceritalah cerita2 cam...kisah ali baba bujang lapuk ke, si arnab dan kura-kura ke... Sang suami: Hmmm...... Pada suatu hari, arnab dan kura-kura nak berlumba lari. Pastu, kura-kura pun menang... (*krohh kroohh...already continued his sleep) Oh Tuhan, (^-^) posted by Hana' at 7/18/2006 12:10:00 AM |
Sayonara Gunung Kinabalu...
Assalamualaykum, I was afraid at first, there was an evil thought whispering to my ears that I may not be able to make it to the top of the great mountain. Al-maklumlah, I'm just an average fit person and I hadn't done any intensive training after all. All I did was running around Proton Lake with By before flatten out after the second round. Pancit owlredi... It was a 16 km walking distance altogether from the bottom to the peak. The journey was hard, absorbing all my energy and once in a while there would be rocky stairs to be climbed and that was the trickiest part. We would think that those stairs were supposed to help us out, to make the climb easier but they were lying there just to make me look silly. I was crawling during the first kilometer, and it was not just a figure of speech. I was actually used both hands and feet stepping slowly on the dirt. Oh, the shame.... But that didn't carry on for the next kilometer. Hehehe..no, no.... After some moral supports from By and a bottle of Kacip Fatimah, I sprinted, leaving those who passed me before..even By had to take a breath before running after me. Kehkeh, okey la.. I exaggerated a bit. But alhamdulillah, By and I were among the first batch arrived at the peak; breathed the cool breeze, adapted the chilled air, amused by the breathtaking scenery. We arrived at Low's Peak at 5:15 am, when it was already Fajr. By and I performed our Subh at the highest ground point ever in our lives. Indeed, that was truly mesmerizing. We waited for the sun to come out and let our faces shimmered with its orange, beautiful glow. After many pictures taken, after all our lips were blacken by the coldness of the air, we mounted down the mountain back to Laban Rata. Climbing down was another story. When we were climbing up the day before, we met a bunch of hikers going down from the mountain and leaved us with a somewhat perplexing advice; "That (climbing up) is fun. Enjoy it while you can," And not after the next 10 minutes of going down have I realized how very very very true their statement was. There were so many methods of climbing down can be seen, as people just couldn't bear of walking down the mountain in a normal way. Some walked like crabs, side-ways. Some walked backwards. Some used sticks. I, used all of them. :p By the time we were waiting for our flight back to KL on Sunday evening, the majority of our group members were walking like a bunch of penguins. By and I looked like an old couple, with sticks in our hands, walking slowly with terkengkang-terkengkang feet. Oh, again..the shame... By and I came to work on Monday but both of us decided to take a leave on Tuesday since we were still walking like crabs, or penguins.....well, pick one. The pain is still there, but it is all worth it. The trip to Gunung Kinabalu was a magnificent memory, and I wouldn't even think of trading it for anything. :) p/s: By has already talked about climbing another mountains. Gunung Nuang sounds interesting. Gunung Tahan needs a lot of training, which I lack of right now, so that's out of the question. Man, I need to get fit. posted by Hana' at 7/12/2006 08:06:00 PM |
Assalamualaykum wht, I am a forever fan of fantasy world, be it Enid Blyton's or J.K Rowling's. When Britain's Channel 4 interviewed J.K Rowling, she mentioned that the final chapter of the 7th book was written long ago. "The final chapter is hidden away, although it's now changed very slightly. One character got a reprieve, but I have to say that 2 die that I didn't intend to die," she said. "I can completely understand, however, the mentality of an author who thinks 'Well, I'm going to kill them off because that means there can be no non-author-written sequels'...so, it will end with me, and after I'm dead and gone they won't be able to bring back the character." Rowling, 40, who wrote the first Harry Potter adventure when she was unemployed single mother, but has gone on to become one of the richest authors in history with a personal fortune estimated at more than US $1 billion (RM3.5 billion). - adapted from Reuters - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) I would be really heart-broken if either Harry, or Ron, or Hermione dies. The 2 characters are definitely not the favourite-to-be-killed ones like Professor Snape, or the caretaker of Hogwart; Argus Filch, or somebody bad; experiences learnt, Cedric Diggory, Sirius Black and Albus Dumbledore were already gone..those were the good-goody ones. 2) Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort may be one of the soon-to-be-dead characters, biasakla jalan cerita yang cliche. Orang jahat akan mati punye akhir2 time klimaks. Unless, Rowling wants to do something different, which I doubt..considering she doesn't want anybody else to continue fabricating Voldemort's dirty works. 3) I hate to think that Rowling will kill Harry, but that is one good possibility referring to her statement above. 4) Rowling really doesn't need to worry about someone gonna steal her story since maybe, possibly, it will not be as good as hers, otherwise there will be plenty of books competitively similar to hers considering the demand. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BESTSELLING BOOKS – Courtesy of Kinokuniya Bookstore TOP 5 FICTION BESTSELLERS 1) Angles and Demons - Dan Brown (Need to read if have time) 2) My Best Friends’ Girl - Dorothy Koomson (Bleerrrrgghh...) 3) Saving Fish From Drowning - Amy Tan (Might be good, her 'The Joy Luck Club' was pretty impressive) 4) If You Could See Me Now - Cecelia Ahern ( Don't think I wanna see you now) 5) The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown ( Hmm.....is it really that good?) posted by Hana' at 7/06/2006 09:29:00 PM |