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Assalamualaykum wht,
Photo Story (a long due entry) 3 May 2007 By wanted to surprise me a day before my birthday. I didn't really expect/want/need him to do apa-apakah since my birthday last year was celebrated by By giving me snacks from 7-Eleven..and....a lovely visit to a seafood restaurant in Tanjung Malim. (We were in Tanjung Malim back then. 7-Eleven alone was already guudd :) ) So, on the night before May 4th, he sneaked out to buy me this simple cake from Secret Recipe, which I found out during his slumber moment after he bought the cake and stuff it in the freezer. Camne nih..adakah saya mahu kejut beliau untuk mintak makan kek banana cokolat yang sedap itu, atau biar saje beliau tidur. Well, I wake him up anyway :p ![]() Hasilnye, tengah mamai tu dia cocok je this small lilin on the kek yang tengah terbalik...heh..apa-apa ajelah labu, I just loved it. 4 May 2007 The office knew that it was my birthday, and 3 of my bosses korek their wallet and gave RM 250 for the girls in the department to dine in somewhere fancy. The girls bought me a cake, again from Secret Recipe. We shared the cake with everyone in the department... ![]() ![]() ![]() And Kak Ina/Kak Lina also took me to Chili's, where we also got a complementary marvelous, magnificanto ice cream cake. And Chili's sung this birthday song that was too loud, even the people outside the restaurant would turn around when hearing the loud noise they made ... malu ahh sayaaa..:p ![]() ![]() The evening, By was trying to make me fatter by treating me with these yummy cuisines from Japan.. (these guy really knows what I dig) Apart from that, .. mak, abah and my siblings sms me individually to inform me on betapa tuannya saya ini :p 5 May 2007 My friends from Indiana University got together this afternoon at Secret Recipe, again... (kayalah pakcik/makcik Secret Recipe nih) to celebrate the babies born in May. There are 1) Ajep (3 May) 2) Kak Effy (5 May) - not present 3) Kak Sarimah (6 May) 4) Dotty (7 May) - not present 5) Judd (7 May) 6) Iman (11 May) Thank you everyone for all the efforts yang sungguh membuatkan saya rasa gumbira dan terharum. It made me realised how lucky I am to have such wonderful family, friends, bosses, collegues, and especially an unbelievably great husband. Siapalah saya ini tanpa mereka semua, dan siapalah saya ini jika bukan kerana rahmat dan limpah kasih dari Allah Yang Esa. posted by Hana' at 5/30/2007 06:56:00 PM |
Istiwak : 28 May 2007, 5.16 pm
Istiwak matahari atas kaabah atau dinamakan istiwak a'zam merupakan fenomena di mana matahari akan berada tepat di atas kaabah. Fenomena ini boleh dimanfaatkan untuk menyemak and menentukan arah kiblat di tempat-tempat lain di atas muka bumi ini. Di Malaysia, hari istimewa ini akan berlaku setiap tahun iaitu pada 28 Mei, jam 5.16 petang and sekali lagi pada 16 Julai, jam 5.28 petang. Ini bukanlah bermaksud arah kiblat berubah 2 tahun sekali. Kaabah tetap di Makkah al-Mukarramah, cuma kita diberi peluang oleh Allah untuk menyemaknya secara tradisional. Cara-cara nak semak betul atau tidak arah kiblat kita selama ini adalah seperti di bawah: 1) Dirikan satu objek lurus samaada tiang ke kayu ke, di kawasan yang lapang dan tidak terlindung oleh cahaya matahari 2) Tepat jam 5.16 petang, silalah lihat ke arah bayang daripada tiang yang kita tegakkan tadi. * Disebabkan matahari berada pada belah barat pada waktu petang, maka bayang objek akan jatuh ke arah timur. Untuk mengetahui arah kiblat, kita perlulah melihat dari hujung bayang, ke pangkal tiang. Maka, arah itulah arah kiblat kita yang sebetulnya. Selamat Menyemak. *rujukan Khutbah Jumaat posted by Hana' at 5/28/2007 10:58:00 AM |
QUIZ SIRAH -Resources from misg-net- Alamak, cikgu telupa lagi 2 soalan.. (1) Berapakah bilangan kaum musyrikin mekkah yang mara untuk ke medan Uhud? a) 10 000 b) 3000 c) 13 000 d) 1000 (2) Dalam Perang Uhud, siapakah ketua kepada pasukan pemanah kaum muslimin? a) Abdullah bin Ubay b) Abu Sufyan c) Abdullah Ibn Rawaha d) Abdullah bin Jubair (3) Siapakah yang ditugaskan memegang panji-panji Islam dalam Perang Bani Nadhir? a) Ali ibn Abi Talib b) Zaid Ibn Haritha c) Ammar Ibn Yaser d) Umar Ibnul Khattab (4) Pihak manakah yang menang dalam Perang Bani Nadhir? a) Bani Nadhir b) Kaum Quraisy c) Kaum Muslimin d) Bani Quraizoh (5) Antara dua pihak berikut, yang manakah terlibat dalam Ghazwah Al-Fath? a) Bani Bakar -- Bani Khuzaah b) Bani Nadhir -- Bani Saad c) Bani Quraizah -- Bani Bakar d) Bani Murrah -- Bani Nadhir (6) Dalam Ghazwah Al-Fath, mengapakah Hatib bin Abi Baltaah al-Badariy yang telah cuba untuk menghantar surat rahsia kepada kaum Musyrikin Mekah dilepaskan? a) Mendapat sokongan dari Umar Ibn Khatab b) Kerana yang menghantar surat adalah seorang wanita, bukan Hatib c) Kesemua keluarganya berada di Madinah d) Terlibat dalam Perang Badar dan mendapat pengampunan Allah (7) Apakah nama lain bagi Ghazwah Al-Ahzab? a) Perang Mu'tah b) Perang Khaibar c) Perang Hunain d) Perang Khandak posted by Hana' at 5/24/2007 01:46:00 PM |
Assalamualaykum wht,
Falling In Love All Over Again Sometimes we take things that always lay in front of our eyes for granted. And sometimes we forget the little things that we never looked back to ponder, like the time they call you just to say hello, or the time when they say one simple nice thing to you, or the time they let you sleep on the couch because they don't want to wake you up and the floor is sufficient for themselves to sleep on, or the time they to warm up your engine every day before going to work so you don't have to wait long in the car, or the time they tried to cook something nice for you, or the time they pay all your bills so that you won't have a headache trying to figure out which bill goes to what account, or the time they let you have the remote control so that they can watch your favourite show with you, or the time they try hard enough to win back your heart after they make a mistake, or the time they ask your opinion even though it really, does not require one, or the time they stare right into your eyes and say .... thank you after all that they have done to you ![]() I thank you Allah, for everything you've given. posted by Hana' at 5/21/2007 05:18:00 PM |