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Assalamualaykum wht,
You are 9 Weeks Pregnant! WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH YOUR BABY This week, your baby-to-be grows to between 20 and 28 millimeters from crown to rump, or about an inch. Weighing in at one gram, your baby is very active, although you can't feel its movements. He or she now has all the major organs, muscles and nerves. A Doppler may be able to identify the heartbeat. While testes and ovaries are formed, external genitalia appear sexless, which is why it is too early for an ultrasound to reveal gender. Eyelids are beginning to form and the trunk is straightening and elongating. Tapi Alhamdulillah, baru 4 hari je ponteng puasa. But i'm guessing that more ponteng days will come since I'm entering my 10th week of pregnancy.. and all these hormones jumping up and down my stomach are making me want to throw up all day long. Ini dah bukan morning sickness or evening sickness dah, ini dah jadi sickness every second. Ikutkan jiwa dan ragaku ini memang la nak mc hari-hari, tetapi memandangkan my boss pun tengah sarat mengandung 8 bulan (hari ni pun dia tak datang opis jugak :p) terpaksa la jalan pelan2 pegi office sampai lambat pulak masuk office hari ni sebab jalan slow macam penyu cari lubang nak bertelur. Ani terre betul la, 2 days after I knew that I am pregnant (back then the baby was still 5-week old in my tummy) she called me directly from Australia and the first thing she said after Assalamualaykum Hana' was 'Dah ada baby ke belum?' :p. Nyeheheh...Kasi Ani 10 markah. Aslam pun boleh la kasik jugak 5 markah sebab tahu dari Ani :). Lepas ni kita tunggu giliran Aslam la pulak...kan..? It is something special to feel something alive is growing inside my womb. Like I'm planting a tree which I need to water, to give some sunshines, to care and to nature carefully so that it will come out as a good tree with sweet fruits and bushy leaves which people can take shed under. The differences between growing a tree and bearing a baby is that the later's process involves a lot of barfing and changes in my body and emotions. Emotionally, I feel like I am suffering from an ongoing bout of PMS. Even silly commercials can make me cry. Currently, I haven't gained the pregnancy weight yet. In fact, I lost 3 kg since a month ago due to little food and many throw-ups. Nak makan pun tak lalu, I can't even differentiate if I'm hungry or loya. One second I think that I'm hungry and the split second after that I don't want to have any food to be taken into my mouth and inside my stomach. But I definitely know that after my first trimester, I'll eat like a horse. And By would be very happy to see my tummy grows bigger than his :p Being pregnant is wonderful. Some of the reasons might be: 1) By is taking care of everything right now, sidai baju, basuh pinggan, lipat kain. He even wakes up every day to prepare sahur first and then wake me up later. (Pepagi saya memang tak larat la nak bangun, alasan...sssshhh...). Saya sangat malas la pada ketika ini. Hatta rumah berselerak pun saya rasa tak berselerak langsung sampai la By tolong kemas..heheheh.. May Allah reward this good man. 2) My parents are very excited about the first grandchild. There was one time when they came during Ramadhan, abah made me a special shake which consist of Soy Protein, Cinch, and Performance Drink. Which, I drank and didn't throw up..luckily. By takes over the job of serving me that drink after abah taught him the recipe. Mak pun siap bawak set2 Shaklee that she recommends me to take. Tapi kalau makan fish oil tu rasa macam nak muntah la. 3) Tok is also very very very excited when she heard about the news. When I told mak that we would be coming back to Kampung, tok suddenly became super-tok..my tok has not cooked anything by herself since 10 years ago due to her health condition. But on the day we came home, Tok had made roti canai for us. Then she gave me 2 mangga kecik yang kawan dia bagi time mengaji semalam. Maklumlah, cucu sulung...nak basuh pinggan pun kena sound 'Dah...tak payah la buat kerja-kerja berat sangat..' Ada la jugak beberapa perkara pelik yang berubah dalam kehidupan saya: 1) Saya dah tak minat asam 2) Saya dah tak minat coklat 3) Pendek kata saya dah tak minat la apa2 yang saya minat sebelum ni Saya cuma minat nak makan pisang goreng cicah sambal kicap je. Ooo..tapi itu semalam..hari ni saya dah tak minat dah. posted by Hana' at 10/01/2007 01:30:00 PM |