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I've decided to delete my previous entry. It was written when I was sleepy, tired and full of negative-maternal hormone...eheh. Furthermore, I am afraid that things I had mentioned will come back to hunt me down. Therefore, lebih baik bertaubat la sebelum terlambat :p. For the past few days, people just started to notice my bulging tummy. Previously, it didn't obviously reveal that I'm carrying a living thing in my belly. The fetus was still small at 932 g only when it is supposed to reach 1 kg by its 27-week, at least that was what the doc told us. Makan dah banyak dah, semua weight pegi kat mak dia :p 'Eah, dah nampak la...(while smiling at my tummy)' 'Hana..I think you should not wear baju kurung anymore.' 'Bila you nak pakai maternity cloth nih? Kitorang pulak yang excited nak tengok you pakai baju mak2 yang comel-comel tu' 'Eah, tembamnyee.. '(this one was a mood turn-of alright) 'Eah, badan you tak naik eah. Perut you je dah nampak besar.. '(now I feel like I want to belanja this person for lunch :) ) Pendek kata, semua orang la nak mengata tentang bentuk fizikal badan saya ni. Dari kaki sampai la ke muka. Sometimes a person can contradict another person's opinion. Tak paham, tak paham... Okey la..okey la. I know that I'm 7 and a-half month pregnant. So I should show off my bulging tummy already, ya? First of all, why all the maternity lines are expensive eah? Even Giant's price range is around RM 60/RM 70. And to consider spending that amount of money for something that I will only wear for 3 months. At this point of time, all money spent will be thought to evolve around the baby. This thing tak beli lagi, that thing nak kena beli next week. See, value for money. Reality check, I actually started to feel scared and afraid of the whole labor situation. How much will it hurt? What if I break my water at the office, mau tekangkang-kangkang dibuatnya nak turun 65 tingkat nih. A friend reminded that we should prepare the labor bag (bag you bring the the hospital for delivering the baby) starting from right now even we still have 2.5 more months to go. Just in case the baby wants to come out early. So far, we already bought: - bathtub (dah dirasmikan oleh my sister-in-law's baby waktu diorang datang rumah hari tu) - walker (beli awal sebab sale tahun baru hari tu, lagi 6 bulan baru nak pakai :p) - baby's shirts/trousers/socks - lotion/shampoo/bath gel - pillow/blanket - s size diapers (beli yang murah je sebab orang cakap baby can poop like 7 times a day, always needs to be changed) Essential expensive things we still need to buy: - stroller (nanti senang nak jalan-jalan pegi pasar malam) - baby' play pen/crib (kalau tidur atas katil biasa nanti kena lenyek ngan bapak dia) - car seat (penting untuk travel balik kampung pantang nanti) - bouncer (tannak beli buai nanti susah nak travel) - breast pump (ini sangat mahal kalau nak cari yang bagus punya) Best kan shopping untuk first baby ni. I bet kalau dah masuk 2, 4 10 orang anak nanti mesti pakai yang hand-me-down je. Tande chan la nak beli barang baru kalau barang-barang tu tak rosak. :p posted by Hana' at 2/13/2008 01:11:00 PM |
Assalamualaykum wht,
The Epitome of Evolution This was me when I was only 6-week old in my mommy's belly. While still the size of a head of a pin, I already developing muscles, bones, blood cells, lungs and excretory and reproductive systems. ![]() My size was getting a little bit bigger now that I was 8-week old, wasn't it mommy? Even if you can't see much from the blurry scanned picture the doctor gave you, I can bend my arms, thanks to new elbows. My upper lip had also formed and my external ear has just about finished developing. ![]() Now you may see my human-like form already, mommy! This was 14-week old me...my skin was very thin, and blood vessels can be seen underneath. My skin is covered with a fine, fuzzy hair called lanugo, which will not fall out until almost full-term. ![]() I was 19-week old, and this week I started forming permanent teeth buds behind the milk teeth buds. My organs of reproduction were developing rapidly and this was my stunt when you asked the doctor about my gender status. Can you see it, mommy! I can tell that daddy was smiling when the doctor showed you and daddy my little p*nis between my legs. :p ![]() You and daddy went for a detailed scan when I was 25-week old. I was shy, sleepy and I covered my face with both of my hands. But you can still have a peak at my face from the side, right? I think this is my good side :) ![]() ![]() posted by Hana' at 2/07/2008 04:48:00 PM |