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Macam - Macam
Assalamualaykum wht, Politic I don't think that I should start babbling on politic since I don't even know where to start and when I will ever stop. It was pretty adequate to say that By and I took a day off from work on Friday, a day before the Election Day, where By drove me back to Guar Perahu. Once we arrived kampong, By took a quick nap before heading to the mosque for Jum'ah prayer and he was heading back to KL an hour later. Apparently, I have my name registered for Parlimen Permatang Pauh and ADUN Penanti, while By's vote only eligible in his hometown, Kluang, Johor. So, once he arrived KL after a 4-hour drive, he transferred his medium of transportation to his Vulcan 800 and enjoyed his night ride to Kluang. It was agreed before that By will come back to Guar Perahu after the PRU 12 but alhamdulillah, my parent made a plan to have a holiday in Johor, so they said that they will bring me home and therefore, the tired husband won't have to rush from Kluang, to Kl and then to Penang and back to Kl with little time that he had. I think I enjoyed the thrill and excitement in this Pilihan Raya more than Raya Puasa or Raya Haji. Heheheh... People have not been this excited and full of spirit on any other day in this year. Pak Lah came to Taman Guar Perahu for his kempen and brought along with him 7 busses from I-don't-even-know where. Two days later, Anwar Ibrahim came to Padang Buluh and the traffic jam was very very very bad even effecting Bukit Mertajam which was 10 km away. Anwar was brought to the said venue with a motor bike sine he couldn't pass through the heavy traffic. When Pak Lah came to Taman Guar Perahu, even the Taman itself was not jammed. Enough said. Pregnancy I have about a month before approaching my EDD, which is on 1 May 2008. I have been taking the lrt since 2 months ago because I couldn't handle the long walk from my far far away parking lot. Plus, it is cheaper and provides me an alternative method to save money (i.e. to buy me an expensive breast pump) :p. So far, people have been tolerated enough upon seeing a pregnant lady on board. They do offer me seat, even though initially I felt embarrassed to be treated 'differently'. Kalau ada orang offer seat, saya akan terharu. Kalau rasa cam tak de orang nak kasik seat, saya akan rasa nak nanges. Quite an emotional disorder, I might say. :p . But the mysterious thing is, majority of the population who first offers me seats is coming from the female clan. I had 2 experiences where 2 ladies offered me seats, which had a perfectly good and healthy gentlemen beside the seats. I am not pretty sure if men in general have become insensitive or unaware of their surroundings or they are just plain ego to let go of their seats. Apa-apa je lah labu, mak cik tak heran. By and I have been trying to increase our effort to talk to the baby. But some of the things By said to the baby were pretty hilarious, such as: 'Tendangla banyak-banyak perut mommy ni baby, nanti kalau dah keluar dari perut tak boleh tendang dah. Nanti jadi anak derhaka pulak...' And I am not sure if the below statement can be considered hilarious or disturbing.. ' Oo.. baby nak adik lagi eah..' Kok ye pun bapaknye.... p/s: Current enjoyment for the ears : posted by Hana' at 3/18/2008 11:03:00 PM |