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It's Time Last night we made 2 trips to the hospital. My contractions came every 15 minutes starting at 8.45 pm. A nurse checked the opening of my cervicks but it was still a closed door. The doctor advised me to be admitted but I refused since there was no opening yet. So, we left the hospital. Then 30 minutes later, we came back to Ampang Puteri because I thought my water just broke. But when they did the check-up, the nurse told me it was no amniotic fluid; it was a discharged due to the fact that a nurse had messed with my cervicks earlier. Again, the doctor advised me to be admitted and again...I refused. Reason being: there was no opening and I did not break my water after all. So, why should I be admitted eah? In addition, there was no single-bedded room available. The husband is only allowed to accompany the wife in a single-bedded room. I don't want to spend my night with potential screaming strangers while I'm trying to get some sleep in a shared 4 bedded-room. Plus, all I need at times like this is only trusted company to comfort me :). So, we left the hospital even though I can see By's worried face. Takut-takut tak sempat nak patah balik hospital in case anything happens. As I'm writing this entry, I'm having 10 minutes interval of contractions. The pain is still bearable. I slept well last night and only woke every 15 to 10 minutes during the contractions. We will be getting ready to head to the hospital after this. Even though I have no bloody show or water break sign yet, the time gap between my contractions is getting close. Please pray for our safe journey to enter the path of parenthood. (^-^) posted by Hana' at 4/24/2008 11:51:00 AM |
Assalamualaykum wht,
Baby's Arrival? By and me went for our weekly check-up at Ampang Puteri yesterday. With a simple touch on my belly, Dr. Ariza confirmed that the baby has descended into my pelvis. I tried to joke around, saying that it must take her 7 years in med school to be able to do that since I couldn't even tell where my baby's head was. All I can feel was his tiny little toe when he's kicking my tummy. She replied half-jokingly, "Actually it took more than 7 years. With all the practices and other stuff, it may take 10 years all together.." Wokeyh Doc, got your point! :p Dr. Ariza is a pretty sweet lady, I'm glad that she can handle all our questions, even the silly ones, with her informative style and character. Hopefully she'll be around when the time comes for my labour. I heard from a friend of mine that she's gentle enough, and plus she recites some doa before the delivery too. So, insyaAllah I'll be in good hands with some doa along my way. :) However, she also thought that my amniotic fluid (air ketuban) was quite low, but still sufficient for the baby. The doctor sent me to an observation room to do a SGT to monitor the baby’s heart and alhamdulillah the baby sounds perfectly active and healthy. However, I do need to come back to her office next Monday and Dr. Ariza will run another scan on me to monitor the level of my amniotic fluid. If she thinks that the level is decreasing, she’ll induce me right away. Wow..that is something that we did not expect actually. I’ve heard that inducement has its own risk and it feels a little more painful than giving birth naturally. But the low level of my amniotic fluid worries me more. I’m praying that the baby will come out soon before Monday, insyaAllah (^-^) posted by Hana' at 4/16/2008 08:44:00 AM |
Black 14
Perhimpunan Black 14 diteruskan di Kg Baru malam ini KUALA LUMPUR, 14 April (Hrkh) - KeADILan akan meneruskan perhimpunan di Kelab Sultan Sulaiman, Kampung Baru malam ini walaupun polis tidak menyediakan permit. Program yang digelar "Menghitung Masa dari Black 14 ke Arah Kemenangan Rakyat" dianjurkan sempena tamatnya larangan berpolitik terhadap penasihat parti itu Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim hari ini. - mks. ** petikan dari Harakahdaily ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saya yang pastinya, tidak akan berada di kawasan tersebut ketika sejarah baru menempa lembaran di dalam kitab politik Malaysia. Khuatir kalau-kalau baby mau keluar awal, jadi kalut. :p Walau bagaimanapun, saya gemar mendengar bicara DSAI dan puterinya Nurul Izzah dalam Bahasa Melayu baku yang tidak ramai orang memperkasakan dewasa ini. Sebutannya satu-satu, jelas dan fasih. Lebih-lebih lagi kosa-kata yang unik seperti 'rakyat terbanyak'. Rasa ingin tersenyum dalam hormat. posted by Hana' at 4/14/2008 04:44:00 PM |
Assalamualaukum wht,
Produk Belanda Saya juga merasa terpanggil, lalu saya copy and paste juga lah list di bawah ini seperti yang telah banyak diwawarkan di dalam email saudara-saudari. Mari sama-sama kita memboikot produk-produk di bawah ini demi kerana Islam: Dutch Lady - Susu Ferrero Roche - Coklat Wall's - Ais Krim Ing -Insurans Planta -Magerin Lady's Choice -Magerin Lipton -Teh Shell -Minyak Knorr -Perisa Makanan Dove -Mandian Sunlight -Magerin/Pencuci Pinggan Radiant -Deodoran Rexona -Deodoran Ponds -Produk Kecantikan Kieldsens -Coklat Slimfast -Produk Pelangsing Lego -Kismis Philips -Barangan Elektrik Duyvis -Makanan Ringan Gouda -Keju Robin -Pencuci Lantai/Pakaian Ariel -Pencuci Lantai/Pakaian Omo -Pencuci Lantai/Pakaian Labello -Lip Balm Pickwick -Teh Venz -Mentega Coklat Kinder Bueno -Coklat Unilever -Syarikat Sunsilk -Shampoo Fair & Lovely -Produk Kecantikan Lux -Mandian Vaseline -Lip Balm Cif -Pencuci Lantai Surf -Pencuci Kain Wishbone -Pencuci Kain Doriana - Keju Krim Bertolli -Minyak Masak Clear -Shampoo Breeze -Pencuci Kain Sun -Pencuci Kain Produk Dumex dan Nutricia telah digugurkan dari senarai di atas kerana pihak pengurusan NUMICO DUMEX (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD telah menghubungi pengurusan tertinggi PPIM dan mengesahkan syarikat mereka telah diambil alih oleh Danone Group sejak akhir 2007 dan menggunakan nama Danone Dumex yang berasal dari Perancis. -admin PPIM- posted by Hana' at 4/05/2008 11:47:00 PM |