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Nufayl @ 2 months Last weekend we took Nufayl to Cherating. By wanted to join his biker-buddies for their annual ride. Sebab itu motor tak cukup ruang untuk 3 orang, we went with our car instead. :p At 2 month old, Nufayl is already: 1. 5.9 kg !! (lahir dulu 3.27 kg, susu ibu exclusive tauu..) 2. Pandai sembang, even dengan doctor sebelum kena cucuk kat peha dia. Doctor pun kata...he's progressing fast. Alhamdulillah ye Nufayl, good boy nih... 3. Dah pandai cari my voice, even bole dongak-dongak ke belakang cari his mama 4. Dah belajar tidur kat lantai sorang, sebelum ni asyik kena dukung/peluk je. Sekarang dia dah rasa secured and confident kot. 5. Tapi nangis kalau i leave him alone for a second dalam car seat, walaupun sekejap je nak berlari pusing kereta untuk ambil dia kat the other side. Below are the picture taken when we were in Cherating..tapi semua gambar Nufayl je, tak amik gambar pantai pun...hahaha... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() posted by Hana' at 6/30/2008 08:42:00 PM |
Assalamualaykum wht,
Updates on Nufayl Hari ni saya start keje walaupun niat di hati nak cuti je hari Jumaat, dah alang-alang tinggal sehari je dalam minggu ni. Namun tak dibenarkan oleh boss. Jadinya, semalam jugak saya pergi ke nursery yang By cakap dia penah rikki, depan rumah je rupanya. Nufayl saya letak dalam car seat and terus pegi ketuk pintu nursery tu around 2.30 pm. Rupa-rupanya time tu bebudak tengah nak start tido la pulak. Habis semua jaga sebab Makcik Hana' bawak Nufayl datang visit. Nursery tu boleh tahan la jugak, clean, support breastfeeding and yang pentingnya Nufayl kena selesa sebab nursery tu ber-air-coned. hehehe..tapi dia bukak time babies + toddlers nak tidor je for comfort. Patutla fee dia mahal sikit, RM 295 instead standard charge of RM 250. Tapi yang penting, dia ada massage baby, ajar baby to develop physically, ada doctor jugak as a consultant yang akan buat check-up once in a while. The person in-charge pun amik kelas on child care, so insyaAllah Nufayl will be ok :). Bila dah rasa ok je ngan nursery ni (terus je ok sebab esoknya kena keje, kelam-kelabit jadinya :p), malamnya baru teringat Nufayl kena his 2 month shot. Waduh, ini sudah parah kalau dia demam esok. Time doctor cucuk peha dia, saya merasa bangga sebab saya tak nanges pun, itu pun sebab nurse tu macam dah tahu je lindung Nufayl tak kasik maknya tengok. Doctor pulak kasik ubat demam, suruh makan right after sampai rumah then continue 6 jam sekali. Saya and By rasa, alaa..macam mana ni. Nufayl baru 2 bulan dah nak kena kasik drugs. Jadi, kitorang decided tannak kasi. Doa-doa semoga Allah kuatkan immune system Nufayl tak jadi demam. Balik sampai rumah, Nufayl tak nangis pun, siap boleh main tendang2 lagi dengan kaki dia. Sebab saya nak keje esok, kitorang pun masuk tidur pukul 11. Pukul 3 Nufayl bangun, nangis kuat (dia memang tak kuat nangis, jadi kalau nangis biasa pun trasa macam dia nangsi kuat)..even bila saya bagi nenen kat dia, dia tak mau suck. Adoihh, ini first time kena reject since dia lahir. Kesian Nufayl ye, memang sakit sangat la ni. By dah nak kasik panadol (ubat demam tu biasa la = paracetamol) kat Nufayl sebab kesian ..badan dia dah start panas, tapi saya kata, kita try boh air asam jawa dulu kat kepala dia. InsyaAllah kebah sikit by pagi nanti. Kalau tak kebah jugak , last resort baru kasik ubat demam tu. Alhamdulillah, badan Nufayl slowly kurang panas. By pagi tu, dia dah ok dah. Mama dia pulak yang tak ok sebab nak tinggal dia first time lelama. Paling lama penah tinggal Nufayl 2 jam je time bershopping ngan By kat carrefour..itu pun maktok dia yang jaga. Tak tidur saya malam tu sebab nervous nak tinggal Nufayl (first time mother memang mengada-ngada sikit ye, harap maklum). Bila saya tinggalkan Nufayl kat nursery tu, dia merengek-rengek macam tau dia nak kena tinggal. Dalam kereta selepas hantar Nufayl kat nursery, adrenalin saya tinggi sebab saya rasa saya bawak kereta macam orang giler. Semua kereta saya nak potong, macam tak boleh nak berpikir sekejap...bawak je kereta menonong. Bila sampai lrt, terjatuh la jugak air mata setitik dua. Rasa macam orang bercinta tak jumpa setahun. Takpe ye Nufayl, nanti pukul 5 sharp mama dah start berlari 4 x 100 meter dah. :) - Ummu Nufayl - Tower 1, KLCC (oppss...terguna komputer opis untuk kegunaan peribadi pulak :p) posted by Hana' at 6/27/2008 02:18:00 PM |
Asma Ul-Husna
I used to listen to this nasheed when I was pregnant with Nufayl. Definitely my favorite. And today, when I opened youtube and found this nasheed, i played it out loud, with Nufayl latching on me. Upon hearing the nasheed, he stopped sucking and started to talk..aaahh uhh aahh uhh.. Usually I am the one who initiates a conversation :p. Even a baby amuses when listens to the names of Allah. Masya Allah. posted by Hana' at 6/24/2008 11:39:00 PM |
Assalamualaykum wht,
AT THE HOSPITAL We spent almost a week at the hospital, unfortunately my son has a different blood type than me and that contributed to him being admitted to the nursery for jaundice. His jaundice was at 14 and all I could do at that time was visited him every 2 or 3 hours to nurse him. Sometimes the nursery would make a call to my room if he cried earlier than his normal nursing schedule and I would rush to the nursery feeling anxious. The rest of the day I would peek him through the glass window, looking at his little half-naked body laying under the blue lamp. And a mother's heart broke into pieces. ![]() Nufayl - a few hours after he was born. ![]() Nufayl suka tidur kepala senget ![]() Bedungla sekuat mana pun, tangan dia mesti nak kena keluar jugak I saw my baby's first smile when he was 3-day old. It happened in the nursing room after he had his regular feeding. His eyes were closed and suddenly he just smiled for 2 seconds. And it made all tiredness of little sleep and pain of post-delivery swept away instantly. Up until today, he smiles occasionally, most of the time in his sleep and sometimes when I gently tickled his chin or cheek. ![]() Berjaya jugak amik gambar dia senyum time tak tidur We picked the name, Muhammad Nufayl, a few days after he was born. Of course we had a long list of names, but Nufayl was not listed during the earlier phase of choosing our baby’s name. We came across ‘Nufayl’ when I was browsing the internet through By’s Treo mobile phone at the hospital. We had 4 or 5 other names and what we did was asked our family and relatives to choose their pick. At the end of the day, ‘Nufayl’ was voted as many people’s favorite and of course the meaning of the name also plays an important factor. Nufayl means gift, therefore Muhammad Nufayl means a gift that is praiseworthy. And indeed, he is a gift from Allah that we are most thankful for. CONFINEMENT AND AQIQAH AT GUAR PERAHU 2 days after we came back from the hospital, we headed straight to Penang for my confinement. I already told mak a few weeks earlier that if it was possible to have the baby’s aqiqah on his 7th day at kampong. Our original plan was to pick a sheep or a goat and make a small kenduri. However, Mak had asked around and to our surprise, many of our relatives wanted to take part in the aqiqah as well for their babies. So, instead of a goat/sheep, we had a cow for the aqiqah. Nufayl took 2 portions, Kak Na’s Fawwaz (10-month old) took 2 portions, Bang Yang’s Syasya (10-month old) took 1 portion, Tok (my grandma) took a portion for her son that died when my mom was still a baby, and my mom took a portion. 7 portions all together. We were also had a kenduri doa selamat for my mak lang who passed away 2 weeks earlier. The small kenduri turned out to be a huge one, all family members were all there and the whole village was invited. It was like a kenduri kahwin already. Masya Allah, rezeki Nufayl... ![]() Lembu bertuah untuk aqiqah kami ![]() Daging aqiqah siap dilapah untuk kenduri esok. Bebudak bersuka-ria. ![]() Kenduri aqiqah yang dah macam kenduri kawen. ![]() Nufayl sesudah bercukur & terus botak ![]() 1.8 gm x RM 100/gm emas = RM 180 (harga rambut Nufayl :p) NEW LIFE WITH NUFAYL I'll start working back next week. So far, my expressed breast milk (EBM) has already reached 90 oz. All safely stored in the freezer. We hadn't choose a nursery yet. We have 2 nurseries and a pengasuh in mind. But the final decision is always a tough one. Maybe it is due to the fact that I'm not willing to let go of my baby to other people when he is only 2-month old. I am afraid that he can not live without me, or is it that I can not live without him by my side. :p Nufayl is already 2 month old as at today. He'll have his 2-month shot tomorrow. I bet I'll cry again as I did when he had his BCG on his 2nd day. (Huhuhu...mama can not see Nufayl cry, cause she will cry harder). It was funny really, when the nurse came to give BCG injection to Nufayl. He suddenly cried at the top of his lungs, and I didn't really expect the nurse to inject the sharp needle into his soft body. Everything happened so fast or otherwise I would stop the nurse (ntah apa-apa aku nih, tak relevent langsung). 10 minutes later, I was still crying even Nufayl already stopped crying berzaman dah. :p Nufayl is a good boy, alhamdulillah. He does not cry a lot, and if he does, I usually know the reason why. It's either his diaper needs to be changed or he's hungry. He also sleeps well at night. He only wakes up every 2 or 3 hours for his feedings and he'll go directly to sleep again. He usually 'really' wakes up around 10 or 11 am. It means that it is time for his bath..heheh. Nufayl already knows how to bersembang. If someone looks at him directly and talks to him, he will talk back with...'aaa..uuhh..aa..aah..uuhh'. But this only works if he's not sleepy, hungry or has a dirty diaper. Alhamdulillah, he is easy to be managed. :) Can't wait to see his further developments. I just regret that I have to go back to work and will miss some of his first this and first that. I wish I can be a stay-at-home mom, and still have a fixed monthly income. Ooohh..that will be just perfect..hahaha. posted by Hana' at 6/12/2008 04:14:00 PM |