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Busy Bee + Long Due Tag :p
Assalamualaykum wht, I think since the past few months, I have been blogging only once a month. This is due to a very routine, yet busy life schedule of our family: From Monday - Friday 6.20 am - Wake up after nursing Nufayl, take my shower and perform Subuh, ensure Nufayl's stuff all ready for the husband to bring to the nursery. 7.10 am - Drive to lrt station to park my car, then heading to my work place 8.00 am - Arrive at the office, back at home..the husband sends Nufayl to the nursery. 5.15 pm - Out of the office already (before having Nufayl in our lives, I usually go back after 6 pm :p) 6.30 pm - Pick-up Nufayl from the nursery 6.35 pm - Arrive home. Sterile all bottles right away, put Nufayl's dirty cloth into the laundry basket and prepare new cloth for tomorrow. 6.50 pm - Play with Nufayl. Nurse him a couple of times. (Kesian dia minum pakai botol je kat nursery) 10.30pm - Prepare to go to bed Between 11.00 pm to 6.00 am - Wake up a couple of times, usually every 2 hours to nurse Nufayl. So, that's how my life runs at the moment. I also realized that I only have 4 hours of quality time with Nufayl during the weekdays. I just want to spend every minutes after work with Nufayl, to talk to him, to teach him things, to cuddle and hug him and to tell him that I'm sorry for not being able to take him to work and instead bring him to the nursery :p. That probably explains the lack of blog updates from me...heheh. Even during the weekends, ada-ada je activities planned with our extended family members and friends. So far, I only had 1 relaxing weekend for By, Nufayl and me. And I've been tagged by Aliya!!!(Sorry la, makcik sebok sampai lambat nak reply). 1) 1st time naik kapal terbang Around 1-year old. Balik Malaysia from Ohio. Cakap omputeh pun tak pandai lagi time tu. Cuma reti sebut 'flower'...heheh 2) 1st time beranak Kat Ampang Puteri, melahirkan Muhammad Nufayl bin Mazri pada 25 April 2008, 11.59 pagi Jumaat. 3)1st time gi overseas Naik kapal terbang balik Malaysia la kot (merujuk jawapan no. 1). Sebab 'melintas-laut' = over-sea. 4)1st time duduk jauh drp family Time umur tadika. Mak hantar duduk ngan Pak Chak & Mak Chak kat Juru, Penang. Reason = tak de orang nak jaga kat Johor. 5)1st time kerja.... Time sekolah rendah. Kalau kemas rumah, mak kasi upah, lipat baju kasi upah, pijak mak kasi upah. Ini sudah jadi macam iklan Petronas yang the boy mintak upah tu... heheh 6) 1st time rasa diri gemuk Masa kat US, Oh my God!! 7)1st time bercinta? With my husband. The first, and insyaAllah the last. 8)1st time rasa diri cantik?? Waktu dah tak jadi gemuk time kat US..uu la laa :p 9)1st time masuk cinema Kat US, tapi tak ingat la pulak cerita apa. Waktu tu suspen giler nak masuk, cam berdosa je rasa...hahahaha 10) 1st time admitted in hospital Masa tadika, ke sekolah rendah. Still ingat lagi nurse cucuk jarum kat tangan tak jumpa-jumpa urat. Horror!! Nak tag: Malu la pulak nak tag, macam semua orang dah buat je... :p posted by Hana' at 7/29/2008 01:40:00 PM |