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Letting the Inner Self Out
Love to blog, not doing that so much lately Love to read, not doing that so much lately Love to write poem, not doing that so much lately Love to cook, not doing that so much lately Love to decorate my home, not doing that so much lately Love to watch Inu Yasha and Fruit Basket, not doing that at all lately What I'm doing so much lately are: 1. Spending little time with my baby and hubby 2. Spending more time at work Conclusion: Need to change my work scope so that I can shift the time spent at work to spending more time with my family and I can do those things that I miss :) Haruskan SGM-ku bole melepaskan? --> Saya nak pindah Kerteh boley..? ![]() ![]() posted by Hana' at 3/08/2009 02:41:00 PM |
Long due tag. Sorry ye Aliya, mak cik tak sempat la... ![]() Nufayl 1-day old ![]() Nufayl 10 months and 1 week later 1. WAS YOUR FIRST PREGNANCY PLANNED? Ya'ah. Took about 3 months after we started planning to have a baby. (too much detail, no? ) 2. WHAT was your 2nd choice name or your opposite gender name: 'Umar and Yousef (2 nama aci tak?) 3. WHAT WERE YOUR REACTIONS? I distinctly remember that I was smiling... 4. HOW OLD WERE YOU? 25 5. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT YOU WERE PREGNANT? Took a couple of pregnancy tests, mission accomplished after the 3rd time...alhamdulillah :) 6. WHO DID YOU TELL FIRST? My parents (I looked at the pregnancy test result together with my hubby... and I said it best when I say nothing at all)--> tertiru lirik lagu la pulak. 7. DID YOU WANT TO FIND OUT THE SEX? Definitely... 8. DUE DATE? 1 May 2008 (Sudah risau semua doctor cuti since it falls on Labour Day :p) 9. DID YOU HAVE MORNING SICKNESS? Pretty much, yes. Even lost 5 kg..(but gained another 15 kg right after the sickness gone) 10. WHAT DID YOU CRAVE? Goreng pisang cicah dengan sambal kicap. 11. WHO/WHAT IRRITATED YOU THE MOST? My boss? hahah... 12. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CHILD'S SEX? A boy. 13. DID YOU WISH YOU HAD THE OPPOSITE SEX ? Nope. 14. HOW MANY KG DID YOU GAIN THROUGHOUT THE PREGNANCY? 20 kg? Scarryy... But never regret it :) 15. DID YOU HAVE A BABY SHOWER? No. 16. WAS IT A SURPRISE OR DID YOU KNOW? N/A 17. DID YOU HAVE ANY COMPLICATIONS DURING YOUR PREGNANCY? Alhamdulillah, everything was smooth sailing. 18. WHERE DID YOU GIVE BIRTH? Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital, Selangor. 19. HOW MANY HOURS WERE YOU IN LABOR? Went in at 9.00 am, the baby came out at 11.59 am. About 3 hours la kan... 20. WHO DROVE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL? My hero la, sapa lagi 21. WHO WATCHED YOU GIVE BIRTH? My dear husband, Dr. Ariza and a team of cheering nurses... 22. WAS IT NATURAL OR C-SECTION? Natural with Epi. 23. DID YOU TAKE MEDICINE TO EASE THE PAIN? Yes: 1. Asked for pain killer at 2 am. (still in my ward waiting for bigger opening) 2. Epidural --> during the labor 3. Gas --> post-labour. (due to : I can still feel the needle Dr. Ariza poked me with during the stitching time) 24. HOW MUCH DID YOUR CHILD WEIGH? 3.27 kg. 25. WHEN WAS YOUR CHILD ACTUALLY BORN ? 11.59 am (almost noon), 25 April 2008. 26. WHAT DID YOU NAME HIM/HER? Muhammad Nufayl bin Mazri 27. HOW OLD IS YOUR FIRST BORN TODAY? 10 months, 1 week and 3 days (ini sebab ada ticker, okey..) 28. WOULD YOU DO IT AGAIN? InsyaAllah..boleh boleh :). Berapa lagi By..lagi 6 eah.. (pengsan...) posted by Hana' at 3/08/2009 12:22:00 AM |