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Ye, saya memang pemalas. Kalau nak baca blog orang pun tak sempat, apatah lagi nak update blog sendiri. Kalau ada cerita pun, cerita pasal Nufayl je lah. My life story is already too complicated and too hectic that I don't even know where to begin. Ceh, drama giler la aku nih...kehkeh.. Okey lah, this is Nufay at 14 months: 1. His 3rd word after Babah and Mama is 'Jatuh'. Most probably due to my excessive and constant warnings such as 'Nufayl, jatuh nanti' or 'No Nufayl, nanti jatuh' or 'Jatuh karang, Nufayl...' dan ayat-ayat yang seumpama dengannya. So, yeah..no surprise there. 2. I am teaching him body parts. Currently I am introducing him to Nose, Eye and Mouth. Slow-slow, kata orang jawa. So far, when I say to him 'where's your nose Nufayl?' Dia sudah cucuk hidung mama. 'Where's your eye Nufayl?' Dia mula korek mama punya mata. But when it comes to Mouth, dia tersengih-sengih... blurr lagi la tu. :p 3. He is very attached to his maktok's (my mother) handphone sebab handphone maktok ada surah al-Fatihah bacaan Sulaiman Yala. Sebab maktok pun selalu jaga Nufayl waktu mama outstation, maktok ada personal goal which is to help Nufayl in remembering the whole al-Fatihah by the age of 2. 4. Nufayl can briefly perform a solah. Every time he hears 'Allahu Akbar' he will start with putting his 2 arms below his belly. He will then whisper something that I couldn't figure out since it is distinctively different from his usual babbling which is normally loud and clear. Then he will ruku' but didn't really put his hands on his knees. So it looks like he is trying to sit on an imaginary chair. His sujud also didn't involve knees, therefore it looks like he is exercising with his head, hands and feet on the floor and his butt up high. He will finish the prayer with wiping his face with both of his hands. I was pretty surprise when I learned about this because the first time he showed it to us was when we was watching television and there was adzhan on the telly. He must have self-learned this when we were praying near him and we thought he was just strolling around us, trying to find stuff for him to play. Previously, he has never shown any interest in imitating us when we were praying. I should take some pictures of him, baru best tunjuk kat dia bila dia besar nanti..heheh. 5. Still isap jari almost all the time. Still inseparable from his ulat aka wormy which he loves to bite (mostly the nose). Hmmmm.. apa yang mama nak buat nih. Gigi dah 6 batang, pakai braces je la Nufayl besar nanti ye :p. 6. Daily routine kat nursery as told by Ain, Nufayl's favourite kakak nursery: Nufayl tidur dari pagi babah hantar nursery sampai pukul 9.30 am. Bangun minum susu. Pastu start main tak hingat. Pukul 12, jalan masuk dapur cari makanan. 7. Walaupun Nufayl nampak bam-bam, berat dia hanya 9.4 kg only. 8. Loves air masak. 9. Doesn't like anything cold like ice cream of anything yang lembik lemah gemalai like puding. 10. Nufayl can talk for hours on the phone. Tak tau la cakap dengan sapa. Dengan macam bisnes penting je..heheheh. Tapi sebelum dia cakap, dia mesti akan dial dulu. 11. Baru beli kasut baru sebab sepasang kasut tu dah koyak, sepasang lagi dah tak muat. 12. Kalau nak tidur, Nufal lebih gemar tidur ikut position dia dalam perut during my 3rd trimester, which is kepala kat bawah, kaki atas bantal. Kalau letak dia tidur atas bantal elok-elok pun, kengkadang bila bangun dah terbalik dah position dia. Apa Nufayl rindu ke nak masuk dalam perut mama balik? :p Nufayl, Mama love you. Semoga jadi anak yang soleh ye sayang. :) ![]() ![]() ![]() posted by Hana' at 7/17/2009 12:39:00 AM |